
Here I am + about using stuff

I'd love to hear from you. Email me here if you like:

I truly believe that beauty belongs to us all.
 I am so grateful to have the opportunity & passion to embrace everyday loveliness in my everyday life. If you would like to use any of my words or pictures I am very happy for you to do so..with every blessing to you! (well, ok, a link/credit might be nice)

My grateful thanks to Annie Hayward & her sweet grace in allowing me to use her delightful picture of "Angel in my garden" in my blog. Follow the angel to find Annie's cards & her name above to find out more about her art & life in Eastborne Wellington.

If stuff belongs to someone else then most people appreciate a link back/credit or personal contact to ask permission before use especially if they are professional artists etc.

If ever you find that I've used something of yours & I've inadvertently got it wrong & you're cross please let me know & I'll fix things promptly.


My favourite quote comes from a story called "Blossies Garden" found in Chicken Soup for the Gardeners Soul. The last few lines are...people are always asking
"What is the purpose of life?"
That's easy!
Relieve suffering.
Create beauty.
Plant gardens!