
Thursday, 21 January 2010

The glory of the edible garden!

Rambling nasturtiums love it in the dappled shade under the lemon tree.
All the gorgeous edible flowers below grow well in the summer through out the garden & make a summer salad so much more interesting & delicious!... here with corn cut from the cob & pakora courgette fritters. I get the most amazing pakora mix from "The Spice Rack" in Petone when we are down that way, along with fresh tumeric (never come across it anywhere else in New Zealand) They have okra & fresh curry leaves too. A truly fragrant & magical shop.
Clockwise from the top: gynura bicolour, asparagus pea, nasturium leaves, sage flowers, courgette flower, myoga ginger shoots, nasturiums, calendulas, daylily, begonias, basil, purple basil, tricoloured sage, violas, chive flowers, orach.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful pictures and after seeing your garden I am not at all surprised that all these lovely edibles come out of it.


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