
Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Coming Home to Te Aroha

Te Aroha Mountain Lodge is one of those "best kept secret" places. Sshh don't tell  ; ) A glorious mixture of "coming home" & adventure. Greg & his love of family, Te Aroha, people, music & food saturate everything around him. That passion & the place seep in to your pores just like the remarkable hot soda spring water (the only hot soda pools in the country.) Since the "Lodge" was full that weekend we were generously offered the Honeymoon Suite...a perfect Valentine treat!...complimentary bubbly, flowers, the pools booked for us...glorious! 
We are soo grateful.
Once a maternity home in another life!
All just right out the door!

Foot spa..divine in the dark late at night!

Greg....never still!

The old bank, steeped in history. Now a great cafe. Really good antique shop next door.
 Max is a master in the restoration business.

The road home 

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