
Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Martha's Pantry

Well..Martha's Pantry..a wee ray of sunshine in the windy city. A dear little tea shop sitting by the motorway where the three "girls" serve high tea in the loveliest surroundings. By three girls I mean: mother Mary & her two daughters Ondine & Anita. The old brick building, did in fact once belong to Mary's cousin's grandmother there's a mouthful : )
I love that the inspiration for Martha's Pantry came from the "The Buttery" the iconic old high tea rooms once gracing Woodward Street in Wellington. 
Sweet soaps & other gift ideas.
Love this!

 Actually a lot more work than you might imagine running a place like Martha's. Apparently the girls will quite often find themselves putting in a 12 hour day! No doubt that's how the food fight broke out one full high tea day..the sisters just stepping on each others is said that sandwiches were thrown & mooshed & Mary had to just keep calm & carry on! A bit of swearing, the lights snapped off & all over in 10 minutes..forgotten!.. well I don't know about the customers!
My delicious Earl Grey

My dear wee neighbour : )
Sparkly star biscuits (from the cabinet not my plate!)


  1. Thanks for your little ray of sunshine Catherine. I love it.

  2. We had chilli con carne and apple crumble! Both favourites, even together:P Thanks for your lovely comment. Don't you feel like you've really achieved something when your child turns 21?... (not talking about old age either te he).
    Jacqui xx

  3. Ooh we're not old just vintage AND fabulous!
    I'd love to catch up with the book by Rebecca Latimer "You're not old until you're 90, best to be prepared, however" !!
    Delicious tea : )

  4. lovely blog so glad I landed here! xo Laura


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