
Tuesday, 22 June 2010

A Mid Winter 21st and the Folding Gene

As I was pondering how to write this post I was thinking
what a wonderful medium blogging is & especially
 the bit about being able to add pictures.
Sometimes when I am pottering through my watch list
on Trade Me & I have read the description of an item
"gorgeous vintage floral fabric" for instance &
there is a pause as the photo loads & a picture is
forming in my head of what I think the fabric is going to look
like & then there it is & often it is nothing at all like
what I had imagined &  then I think,
oh you mean "that"!
well, describing to you the 21st birthday of our David is
a lot like that, words are insufficient!!
I often say to my children "what happens to one person in
a family effects everyone in that family" & it
really is quite true. The good bits & the dumb ones.
It was David's 21st but the gathering together was
about the flavour of a family..this one!
The birthday boy arrived with his lovely Paula
..I think they must have a "school of funny walks"
 in Greymouth
Fortuitously, Matthew arrived on Friday & set to &
made the birthday carrot cake
(recipe to be posted on our kitchen blog any time soon : )

He also kindly brought with him his friendly
sourdough starter & proceeded to make
us all many fragrant loaves of glorious bread
on a wet Saturday morning
Matt doesn't get to see his bread cooking at home,
so he tells window in his oven.
A wee stool was helpful on this occasion
We're not exactly a conventional family so we
simply gathered in different ways over a few days.
Lunch at the Opera Kitchen with Jeff (Grandad).
A dinner with just our family.
Which meant horse rides & play mobile trails
around the kitchen

some people see things a little differently to others!!

and also feel the need to remove the beard for the occasion

of course every really good story requires string

Pressies are interesting when buying
choosing gifts for the chess playing,
violinist who presently works at 
a meat works!!

What I'd really like to know is how
come I missed out on the
"folding gene"? 
Should you ever require a linen
cupboard make over...
Matt found this dear blanket on his journey
here & somehow folds it
just so &
it all looks so much better.
His Dad also has the gene...come to think
of it I don't recall ever seeing David fold anything so
I'm not sure if he has it or not.

I just had to bring out this great old 
coffee perk & give it a turn.
When I bought it on Trade Me I didn't realize it would make coffee for the whole family!

Nice to see everyone. Nice to be just us again.


  1. Hi Katie, I love your message and what a beautiful family spending quality time together. David must have enjoyed his very intimate 21st B/Day with his family. Luv Bev

  2. Lovely post, and a special birthday!

    Now for the chess playing violinist - my husband played the violin and writes chess programs for all sorts of platforms... :-)

  3. Of course every good story needs string! That goes without saying. And this was a aprticularly good one. What a lovely family you have, and what a fantastic time you've had. I was looking forward to seeing what you cooked and ate. Was not dissappointed! The sourdough made me very curious as I've never had it. Sounded particularly good as toast on facebook!
    Love Jacqui


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