
Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Monarchs and Mandarins

I am so excited!! I have found them!! 
Well I have found a jolly good sized family of them.
  My monarch friends.
They are overwintering just down the road.
I think that they must have got a little befuddled in the 
cold as they are usually found hanging in sequoia trees
but this wee family have moved a few doors down & are
happily occupying a totara tree.
 I needed to take a walk to retrieve my car from my kind 
mechanic Steve as he had finished doing the warrant on it.
It was getting on in the afternoon when I set off
 I got to Frederick Street & the garden with sequoias & other huge trees

then just along a little bit & there they were

They just hang there for weeks & weeks in "bunches".
On sunny days they take it in turns, a few at a time to 
come to life,
have a little fly around & then back to the "position"
passersby probably thought I was a bit nutty taking
photos of a tree : )
...then through the secret pathway

and look what I found..
this dear little playhouse in a carport

back home it was time for more weighing of mandarins

whatever would we do without these fabulous old scales?
they must have weighed 1000's of kilos of fruit just for us
let alone whatever they did in their previous employment
in the Coromandel...
righteo off to sell some more fruit..


  1. I love Monarch butterfulies - how lovely to see them in the winter. When I was a little girl in the USA we kept them as caterpillars at school and watched them grow up. Of course, I never really knew what they did when they finally left us... now I do!

  2. My blog page header is a Monach butterfly - I took it in March when in NZ visiting my parents. I just love them they are so beautiful!

  3. Isn't it a strange time of year for them to be out? You'd think they would be all tucked up warm and dry somewhere in the swan plants. Lovely mandarins Catherine. I just bought some today, yum. Lovely when they are not too expensive. Thanks for your lovely comment on the Glorybox blog. I really enjoyed telling that history, and learned a lot of stuff along the way. Have a great weekend.
    Love Jacqui


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