
Thursday, 22 July 2010

A Smile Box of Winter Joy

I always say that life should have "flow"... 
marvelous to gather things, important to release
some from time to time
and so revitalising to keep learning new "stuff".
I am so inspired by Audrey just now.
  My dear just-across-the-road neighbour whom, in her
eighties lives carlessly alone with walls of books as her
fond companions, buys all she needs from op shops &
pops across the road each week to buy large quantities of
fruit (which is the very reason that I have my wee "shop") 
She has a voracious appetite for books & knowledge.
Still studying & perpetually reading, she is so full of
interesting opinions & has a head full of fascinating
facts & recollections of a life experienced to the full.
She tells me that she only feels to be in her mid 60's but when
she leans against the fence to chat the years give her away,
just a little. This week she suggested that I might like
to do some university papers! I told her, I am learning all the time & I
love to explore knowledge by finding out about
the "next thing in front of me" at my 
"point of need".
Which brings me to bespoke & bokeh & smile boxes.
I don't know about you but I have learned a HUGE amount 
in the last couple of years as I have begun to use a
computer, learnt to email, buy & sell on Trade Me,
write not one but 2 blogs, join Facebook &
even to learn how to take fairly reasonable photos. 
All things that I have never done before.
I have always loved words. I vividly remember at Primary
school the satisfaction of the word Maraekakaho in the
middle of my spelling list..go on spell it out loud...
isn't it lovely!!
It's actually a place name, of an area just out of town.
I don't want to keep you here for too long,
you might get bored!
So I will come back to the bespoke, bokeh, earth gems &
we heart it next time..very soon.
What I do want to show you is this wonderful site
called "Smile box" (thanks so much to lovely
Fiona at Maiseys Attic!!!)
Have a wee look at what I made this week.
There is so much here that you can do for free, however the
music selection is somewhat limited..when I sent my creation
to Rob's mum I didn't realize it went to her with sound
..Rob had left a "thingy" plugged in to the side of the
computer which stopped the sound this end.
I laughed & laughed when
I heard the accompanying music so I have left it there to
hopefully make you smile too & encourage you that having a
go at these things is the point..too bad if it is a little strange..
or not quite perfect it's all about learning

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So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥