
Sunday, 8 August 2010

Chook Egg Green And Other Ways To Capture Snails

There are signs of spring all around now
fruit buds bursting from bare wood
sol 'dor in all it's shining glory
and even whole trees drenched in spring blossom
AND lots and lots of hungry snails,
they really are voracious!
I've tried using the pet friendly natural slug bait
but I think they go pfff & eat it for breakfast.
After the terrible Charlie incidents of near death
poisoning (not me!!) some months ago
"curiosity" & all that..
I daren't chance the harsher products.. so what to do?
Definitely too much unfettered munching happening 
all over the garden. But then I saw some plastic snail 
catchers the other day at Mitre 10 & got to thinking 
about alternative snail accommodation..aha!
silly me I have these all around the garden..
a quick investigation & 
what should I discover???
..a significant family!

That's funny, I've never
noticed that number
on the 1/2 wine barrel

new homes now arranged & I know their exact address!

I have so enjoyed the bright splash of colour of calendulas
on the window sill all through this passed week.
Vibrant colour really 
helps to keep your
pecker up through the
dull months I look past 
their "splash" &
out the kitchen window
my eye is 
caught by some 
cheery pink "polys"
And a happy pink rabbit
which reminds me of the most delightful post that 
I read during this week of
a Mad Hatter's Tea Party 
I so loved the innovative adaptions & clever ideas
Here are some of the fun pop in & see
the pictures if you're interested..
"You can't have a party without old fashioned party games.
We adapted a few to suit the theme:
* Pass the teapot (instead of pass the parcel and every child 
picked out a lollypop)
* The Mad Hatter Says (instead of Simon Says)
* Pin the tail on the Cheshire Cat
* Whats the time White Rabbit (instead of Wolf)
* Bag toss Card Man (I painted a Card Soldier on a 
Foam-core board. 
Cut out a heart shaped hole in the middle to toss a 
sack filled with rice through)"
Thinking of mad tea parties I rediscovered my
quaint little triangular cracker tins recently
& had a perfect idea for what they should contain
that thought led to lunch
I loved these wee vintage heart dishes I came 
across at the Restore shop this week and extra
specially the 1/2 price mark down on this blue 
brie heart cheese!
one of the best tips I gleaned a year or so ago
was from a retired cheese maker while standing in 
the queue in the supermarket with another batch of 
also "retired" cheese..he told me that cheese, in fact,
freezes very well & indeed it does, especially
soft cheese like brie or camembert
..defrosts very quickly too.
So knowing this, of course I just had to buy two!

Eventually my tray contained actual lunch
which Rob was very pleased about : 0

I so love this old wooden tray we found in 
Dannevirke. The duck egg blue it's been
painted is one of my very favourite colours
much like the colour of these chooky eggs
from the Farmer's Market.
Or should that be chook egg green?
I was so taken with their pretty colours that they were
made to sit here on the bench for several days to
bask in my admiration
of course then the tea pot had to get in on the act
& the wee vintage cream bottles made lovely
vases for my exquisitely scented white daphne
yes, slightly awkward to work around but
such a sweet still life to nurture the soul

A small "cluster of eggs" & a useful "gaggle 
of geese".. so of course these would indeed be 
just the dearest "hug of vintage teds"
listed on trade me this week
..reminds me of the picnic atop a tea pot
Rob adored this tea cosy but you just can't
keep everything & I eventually sold it : 0
...on Trade me


1 comment:

  1. Hi Catherine, how lovely to mention my Tea Party :). Love the little wooden tray and heart shaped brie, I didn't know you could buy such a cool is that! Tamara x


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