
Saturday, 23 October 2010

Goodbye dear friend

Such a sad day..having to take our dear friend Moja to the vet this morning to be "put to sleep". Goodbye dear one, thank you soo much for coming into our lives.
 Frequently perplexed by kindness yet always so grateful for our care he never, ever took us for granted. Wild at heart & perennially shy, Moja was suspicious of affection to the end; yet couldn't believe his luck when it arrived. Having contracted FIV some years came time for one last act of kindness...
 Abused & discarded by an uncaring neighbour a decade ago, I fell in love with wee "Pretty"when his mother started bringing him & the rest of her little family to our place looking for food ..well look at all those ringlets..I could be excused for thinking him to be a girl now surely..

our Pretty was to be swiftly renamed Moja (meaning number 1 in Swahili..
as there was also Mbele & his brother Tato) not ask me what happened to these two, mother cat & the further litter of 6!!'s a long story!
After a family conference back in the day & conceding that David could have cat since a monkey was just not feasible...we were deluged with cats & feline eccentricity for years to come
Sparky even had a curly tail & would sit like this & watch the water go down the plug hole while David  made his lunch!

Moja became my ever present
 companion & garden shadow.

With a personality all his own I think sometimes he fancied himself to be a plant

or something!
He & know our "daily borrowed cat"..became fast friends in the last year
then this week as the blossom swirled & we all faced the inevitable
it was sweetly fitting & comforting that Charlie & his Mum should come & pay their respects this morning

rest now dear boy

Thank you for coming dear friend..funny that's just what he would say..thanks for loving ME...♥ you're welcome Moja..we loved you so much.



  1. What a moving tribute to Mojo. {{hugs}}

  2. What a beautiful kitty your Mojo was. It's so hard saying goodbye to a friend and companion.
    Thinking of you,
    Anne xx

  3. Oh Catherine I am SO sorry you had to let Moja 'go'....I have a lump in my throat wondering at how you could bring yourself, even as a kindness to part with him....!

    I don't know if I will be able to be as brave should I need to make this choice for my beloved Baxter....!

    Wishing you strength & comfort from Australia,
    Tamarah xxx

  4. One day we'll see all our friends again. I believe it.

  5. A touching tribute to your treasured Mojo. We have two rescued cats and love them dearly too.

  6. What a lovely way to end your days, in a swirl of spring blossum amongst friends.
    Love Jacqui


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