
Wednesday, 8 December 2010

ThE ViNtaGe TEa PaRtY CEleBraTiNg 30 YEaRs!

Little Luca (nephew 3) arrived on a perfect summer's day tightly clutching his plate of oh-so-carefully made heart biscuits & exclaiming delightedly "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"
 As Rob said, it was indeed..the birthday of our marriage. 
We were married on a chilly 6th December in 1980.

And here we find, our very same selves, 30 years down the track, more delighted to be married than ever: best friends living rich & simple lives gratefully. Celebrating with a tea party & a few special people in our own garden was just the most perfect thing to do. Come through...

 I made bunting to go around the umbrella..7 metres of it!
bunting for the front porch
and for the plum tree
we put ribbons on sticks to flutter in the breeze
We gathered our prettiest tablecloths, cake plates, tea cups & tea cosies & made yummy things to eat like caramel square (except caramel square is very bad went & put itself on the lense of MY camera & messed up all my photos : O )... & shortbread hearts & angels.

 Then we got Matthew home..well we needed a hand ; )
someone had to make the heart shaped egg & ham sandwiches & look after the baby

the wee boys Luca & Kaitiaki loved playing in the garden together
  Silke (delightful sister-in-law) & Nina
 walking on sunshine
 Dad & Bev
 My dear friends Margaret (neighbour)
& Cheryl..gorgeous girl.
Look at that olive in the background would you! Rob spent ages on trestling & ladders & with all manner of trimming equipment doing the annual topiary trim.

 Anna, dear daughter tucked in the corner
 Wendy, my lovely friend of 48 years & Ruth my kindred gatherer.
 "Stars" showered down upon us from the Melia tree..what a fragrance! (shame about the scratchy eyes!)
Fortunately caramel had not reached this camera lens (thanks Dad)

 Next day we were off to the Farmer's Market with Matthew & found snow! Amazing drifts of poplar "stuff"

 All we need to do now is choose a new card from our
"Box of Kisses" & write to each other more sweet words.

Thank you for joining us & all your kind wishes & gifts...we love you all !

  & Rob xoxoxo


  1. Thank you for a beautiful day. You brought back so much memories of my mom and her beautiful tea sets.

    Love Bev

  2. Happy Anniversary, what a delightfully perfect day you had and the tea party looks wonderful. Friends and family, what more could you want.

  3. Looks beautiful....wish i could have been there....congrats, we are heading for 24 years, it hardly seems possible xx

  4. Looks like a day to remember and what food!!!

  5. Just perfect Catherine. You really know how to do a tea party!

  6. beauty, love, family and show them all so clearly.....congratulations on a wonderful anniversary and example.....John and Suzanne

  7. Your anniversary tea party, with the tea tables set looks absolutely lovely. You must put together a photo book to celebrate and remember.

    We're just a year behind you 29.

    Lil Bit Brit

  8. beautiful high tea, looks so devine, o I do feel rather jealous :)


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