
Tuesday, 8 February 2011

SeReNDiPiTy aNd HeR SisTeR JoY

I just love her, Serendipity, she is so much fun & she gets along with absolutely anybody. She has a sister called Joy, but I'm still getting to know her. I hope that in time to come we will be Best Friends Forever & ever, all of us. You may know these girls too? I really hope so. Sometimes I think that the further that we travel away from childhood the less we have eyes to see the beauty & love around us. That's why I have been so inspired & encouraged recently by Chrissy & her blog cul*ti*vate meaning "to prepare, grow & develop". Chrissy is presently running a 14 day "heart & seek"... finding hearts in unexpected places & bringing them out to play. There's just something about hearts that makes my little heart sing. Here's one of Chrissy's that popped up in her daughter's frozen yoghurt.
I have mentioned my friend Serendipity before, as I recall: "an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident" not to be confused with Serendopity a nasty piece of work that causes "an aptitude for dumb things happening by accident". 'Dopity shows no discrimination either, but is absolutely no relation to our sweet "girl".
Although 'Dipty has a huge affinity for hearts she is by no means exclusive & is highly inventive. Like the day of my birthday, driving home I came across this remarkable sight at a busy intersection..even a sign there to point out the spectacle. A tenacious wee tomato plant growing in a manhole & fruiting!
 During the following week, when Rob found that he didn't have enough shifts for the fortnight & couldn't fix it, I started to slide down the slippery old slope in to despair..but, just right then the Black Doris plums came on stream from my dear friend Ruth... & just as they finished, Bob, the lovely orchard man, called to say that his golden peaches were ready. As I was serving someone at the gate that day a lady drove up, wound down her car window & handed me this box of mushrooms.."Here, have these" she said
  & drove away. When next I went to pick up more peaches I was given these gorgeous nerines ( I've never seen them grown commercially before)
& bucketsful of slightly bruised peaches, with which I was able to make some delicious chutney
& scoff ourselves silly..juice dribbling down the chin stuff & give some away to our neighbours..& passersby : )
 Utterly melting last Friday & since Rob was not at work, we sort respite over on the Marine Parade in Napier & as we sat there with our little picnic..this beautiful ship went gliding by.

 a friendly lot over that way
...out on an adventure
 meandering walk/cycleway
 The Veronica Sunbay
 taking the scooter for a walk : )
 right behind us..I had to giggle at the irony of King Kong & the cross
 looking up to Bluff Hill

 Locally iconic Pania of the Reef

 I've never seen this plant before but looking at the leaf I think it may be a perennial statice
Today 'dipity put free range eggs on the counter, right under my nose, at the commercial packaging shop!
 a dancing star on the front porch

This week let's cul*ti*vate every serendipitious goodness ♥



  1. Hi Catherine, I love that little plant, I had one in my garden last year, it is an Australian native called Ptilotu exaltatus or 'Joey'. Tam x

  2. sweet catherine...
    i LOVE the joy and zest you get out of life. this post just made me happy happy. what a BEAUTIFUL day you were able to spend. the king kong and the cross is hysterical. thanks for sharing my yogurt LOVE...wasn.t it a most WONDERFUL surprise?
    keep your eyes open!

  3. lovely post Catherine. I'm now off to read cul*ti*vate on your recommendation


  4. I love your photos. This little tomato is so cute :)

  5. Gorgeous photos, so much inspiration over here :-D

  6. Oh I've got warm fuzzies reading your beautiful post 'poetic Catherine'!!

    I'm always looking for hearts too, and they seem to pop up in unexpected places. With an angel in your garden you will have them too!!

    How kind of the mushroom lady - I can't imagine that happening in Auckland!

    Your little tour of Napier was delightful, it's a special place. I was born nor far away in Wairoa so I know HB.

    I'm off to Cul*ti*vate - thank you!
    Have a wonderful 'HEART' week dear Catherine.


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥