
Sunday, 27 March 2011

The Constant Friend

It seems that most of us aren't terribly good when it comes to change. We avoid it..well, as much as possible. I am practicing flexibility & willingness to learn. It wasn't long ago that I was adamant that I didn't need to run with technology. I had every reason imaginable up my sleeve as to why it just wasn't necessary...silly me! Quite a few of us can be a bit like that about the God stuff. We are quite sure that we have the answers & the right way & we shall not be moved because it's well...tradition; what we know, what we remember, always been done that way. Have you ever tried being childlike in a religious setting?..mmm not so easy. Children love learning. Mostly, they just like to show up, get involved & ask a LOT of questions. I'm not quite sure why Psalm 23 has become so well rehearsed at funeral services...perhaps it's the familiarity that brings us comfort; christian or not. I am feeling that perhaps it really is rather more a psalm for the living. I came across a simplified version a few weeks ago & it got me thinking. The pictures were pretty dickie so, (there is a fine line, sometimes, between vintage & naf!)
I imagined something else.
Here is my thoughts...see what you think.

 Lord, you are my Shepherd
...that's relationship
credit: Barb Pearon
because of that, I have everything I need.
You give me rest in the meadow grass,
lead me beside quiet streams & help me find places of beauty.
Jessie Wilcox Smith
You restore my soul....You, make me whole.
via picasa albums
You send me in the right direction..
via beauty in everything
& help me find out who I really am.....that blesses Your heart no end.
via beauty in everything
Even walking through hard & scary places I will not be afraid because I know that You are right there beside me..
via we heart it
guarding me
we heart it
& guiding me no matter what
Susan Brown: artist
Knowing that You love me makes me feel secure..
 You make me tea parties even when nasty people mean me harm...
Country Living magazine
You have welcomed me as your guest.
& made me feel special
via we heart it
so that my life is full of abundance & all sweet things.
via we heart it
Your beauty & love chase after me every day of my life.
via we heart it
How can I not be deeply grateful..
via beauty in everything
Forever, I will be with you at Your house... you want me to come & stay...forever!
 You are so good to me..thank you!  via we heart it
Margaret Tarrant    "He prayeth best"
This post was me joining in with others for a Pause in Lent. If you'd like to read some more pop over here to Floss in France.
Every Blessing & much 


  1. This is lovely and the pictures really give it a breath of fresh air - definitely not only for funerals - the words are givers of life too, Betty x

  2. Very beautiful, restful and helpful - and I really hope you have time to read the story of childlike faith over at The Maplesyrup Mob - I think you're going to love it!

  3. We had this psalm at our wedding because we believe it speaks of hope.
    Jane x

  4. That is beautiful, thank you so much. I must bookmark this and keep it to come back to again and again.

  5. I LOVE this- you are right! (Except on the dickie pictures which I also love!)


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