
Sunday, 13 March 2011

The Road to Authenticity

A week or two ago, our dear Floss over at Troc Broc & Recup' invited us all to join her for what is now, fast becoming, an annual event, "A Pause in Lent". A time to share what Easter means to us personally, or perhaps some of the practices or traditions that we follow in this season. "Love to join in", or so I thought, until I said "yes" & then my mind went blank, my heart went cold with a peculiar sense of dread & I headed into a bit of a tale spin. It's a funny thing, but I've never been very good in the adult world (I'm not even sure I want to be one of those... adults that is) so many cares & hard edges. Even in these times of enormous global volatility I find my philosophies becoming simpler....& simpler. I seem to do a lot of wondering..
Margaret Tarrant
& pondering these days... 
via flickr
 I recently came to this conclusion: the cross is a symbol of value...I am so loved, so tenderly held in esteem that the Son of God would walk that road just for me. Considering a childhood tea-stained by sadness & displaced by unwantedness, I find that, I am even quite liking the girl gazing back at me from the mirror these days..
via picasca
...value is everything. Finding myself loved at home in beauty...&  in Him.
So,what's Lent/Easter really all about? What does it mean to you?
Well, not this... that's for sure! This has to be one of the silliest Easter cards I've ever seen.
A lovely thought, but neither is it, this overly sentimental portrayal of the "Garden of Gethsemane"
my postcard
I guess, in it's own way, the road to Calvary is the road to authenticity. Destination: "Home"
...not "home for Christmas" but home for good.
It all begins with a plan & a cross
via deviant art
 or three to be precise......
If you'd like to catch up with more of "A Pause in Lent" do pop in here.
If you missed my post about Yoomia do please read her story of how she was saved & her violin rescued in the event of our recent Christchurch earthquake. A truly beautiful soul is she & an uplifting story indeed, amidst so much sorrow.


  1. Love your thoughts and your silly, silly Easter card too! I do really identify with your blank moment. As I've said in my post today, I had no idea when I inaugurated the 'Pause' what I'd be blogging about, and, while I sometimes plan series of posts well in advance, my 'Pause' posts are just whatever comes to me at the time, and are therefore probably quite disjointed. I'm so glad to see your steps towards authenticity are giving you both contentment and a way home...

  2. Thank you, Catherine. I so often find myself disgusted with the adults, feeling better about children and their fresh attitudes. My "growth edge" is definitely loving grown ups. I want to commit to being the kind of friend Jesus was/is.

  3. Thank you for sharing those lovely pictures, the Margaret Tarrrent one is gorgeous.

    I know what you mean about 'those' adults...the type who make me want to do something silly just because I can. I have every intention of never becoming an adult.

    And a final thank you...for reminding me of the value that God places on my life and on each and every life.

  4. Hey! Your blogland reflection is righteously perfect! I think I blame mine on being a teacer but my discomfort with adults is infinitely out of proportion to how much easier it is to be in a classroom of pupils! I love your emphasis on authenticity. But even more I cherish the idea of going home! Being home! Thank you, Angel!

  5. Oh my Gosh, Catherine! Your first paragraph looks as though you peered into my mind,read my thoughts, and wrote them down. I too have given up on being a grown up. I tried it in my twenties and do you was hard work, no fun, and exhausting. I am trying so very hard to simplify my life, to bring things down to the basics, that I thought my Lenten posts would seem too simple,especially compared to some of the more cerebral posts!However, I am sticking to my plan of keeping the posts simple, easy to read, and praying that the non Christians reading the blog may get a better sense of what Christianity all about.
    Glad to have read your post!
    Jane x


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥