
Sunday, 17 April 2011

Blushing Ripeness

Autumn. Blushing ripeness.
 Colour saturated.
 Life full. Purpose fulfilled.
 Complete. Surfeit.
What a wonderful season to ponder the Easter journey. 
Tree strawberries from down the road..such a lovely tree.
The fruit is so interesting..
alongside my quince & apple.
Cornus Capitata. The fruit is edible but not very exciting. Full of seeds much like a guava. Luca (4 year old nephew) says they taste like custard & that would be about right. Although I have to say, not very yummy custard.
The Tuis (a New Zealand native bird) love them though. Perhaps that's why they have come our way to visit again at the moment, to feed on the tree strawberries. I always feel so privileged when I hear them, so glad that they would visit us. 
 photo via white heron tours
The windflowers have been so pretty.
Naked lady seed pods about to burst forth their progeny on to the footpath.
Glorious figs, now ripening daily, a few at a time...very considerate of them!
 Figs are of the rubber tree family. The fruit being an inside out flower.
 These little red cherry guavas are the quintessential taste of my childhood & herald the full onset of autumn.

Quince are also delightfully delicious & fragrantly lovely.
 We don't grow pomegranates terribly well in New Zealand, although they do still fruit, just never quite achieving succulent perfection. I would love to have this variety in my garden. The flowers are just beautiful.
google images
Imagine just one of these in the back yard!!
google images
No wonder that the fruit is treasured in some Christian circles. The pomegranate is a symbol of the resurrection & hope of eternal life. 
The top of the fruit appears as a crown, symbolizing Christ's majesty.
google images
The seeds bursting forth from the pomegranate are also like Christ bursting from the tomb.
In christian art the fruit is often held by the Christ Child.
Like in this famous painting "Madonna of the Pomegranate" by Sandro Boticelli 1487 
photo via Bill
Of course the whole point of the Christ Child was to show the way. 
via weheartit
To bring light & life & salvation.
via beauty in everything
To set the world ablaze with goodness & love...His.
It surely wasn't an easy journey...
but a journey like none other in all of history.
Spring or Autumn I hope that you're having a lovely Easter journey. Do you have any special family things or traditions that you do to celebrate this season? I'd love to hear about them. Do hop over to Floss & see what's going on there in A Pause in Lent.


  1. YUMMY post Catherine!!!
    My mouth's watering with your bountiful harvest of Autumn delights.
    I've just made some Guava jelly and also Feijoa Chutney!!
    Such interesting information about the Pomegranite symbolising Christ's crown and the resurrection.
    Pomegranites are the "in" foody thing these days, with some wonderful recipes available.
    Wishing you a very Happy Easter too Catherine.

  2. What beautiful photographs. I vaguely remembered that the pomegranate was a symbol of Christ's resurrection, but I didn't know why. Thank you for this.

    Thank you for your Pauses In Lent...I've not always commented, but I've read them & appreciate what you have said. May God bless you & your loved ones this Easter.

  3. Hello dear Catherine!
    I love this post. The harvest in your land is glorious.
    I was in Australia last year near the end of March.
    One of the sweetest memories of Easters long past is "the Easter dress" and I wish I would have planned for it earlier, but I'd like to revisit the tradition. I'll let you know if I can!

  4. As always... a feast for the eyes , and food for the soul.
    Jane x

  5. I love your posts, you use such a gorgeous combination of words and pictures.

  6. What an amazing collection of photos and thoughts...I came over from Pom Pom's blog....have never seen such a thing as those tree strawberries, though I have a bush in my Northern California garden called a Strawberry Tree; it's fruits are paltry in comparison!
    The windflowers I've also never seen the likes of, and the figs look different from ours. You've made me ready to come Down Under just to see some of these wonders first-hand! Would April be the month to do it?


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥