
Saturday, 3 September 2011

The Tui Cherry And A Tea Party Or Two

There is something truly divine..reverential about watching those first plump spring buds burst out of their hiding places & unfurl towards the sun, momentarily pausing.. offering thanks for their return to life.
 This glorious prunus campanulata superba radiates the glory of early spring.
 What a delightful contrast against a radiant blue sky. I'm not quite certain who felt inspired to line the Countdown car park down the road with them as they grow quite large, but gloriously so in an urban setting, even if for a brief week or two each year.
 Unfortunately they are unlikely to attract our native Tui birds who adore their nectar like this one out in Havelock North..just up from one of my gardens.
 A little further up the road.
 Plum blossoms are amongst the earliest to grace our land.
 A darling wee spring picture I found recently at The Mart for a dollar or two.
 I've had this old picture for sometime now. It lives out in the potting shed as it's is past it's best.
 I am amazed by the detail. I can't see an artist name. I'd love to know who originally painted it.
 Walking through town recently we passed a Playcentre information display. At first I noticed the easel & the chair & then I spotted this little darling poppet.

 I've always loved these sculptures right in the centre of town under the shadow of the clock tower.
 A gifted local artist Liz Earth made them.
 Do you ever feel that no matter how much you do you just never quite come to the end of things? We've been feeling like that quite a lot lately. So on Tuesday Rob decided that we were going to stop & have afternoon tea in our garden. I had managed to use up some well past it bananas & make a wholemeal banana loaf (recipe here)

 Earl Grey Superior for the occasion..loose leaf.
 I do love lily of the valley pretty in pink. They don't like my garden very much but seem to thrive at Ethel's around the corner.
 I think that this is my favourite magnolia..but then again. We have been scheming as to what we could remove or push aside to make room for one.
 What a sunny little fellow.
 On Thursday I was invited to another tea party by my dear friend Ruth. A celebration of spring & friendship. A vintage afternoon tea dress was required & a brooch, but goodness me aren't shoes a hassle!.
 We did quite well I thought for two muddly old things, Ruth & Me : )
I made my prune & ginger loaf this time & Ruth made a turkish orange cake with ground almonds (no flour)
 Ruth is the one wearing the daffodil ; )
 The photo was taken in the middle of a plum orchard.
 What perfect timing all this tea party business, I must say, as I have been so enjoying reading my Emily Barnes book "If Teacups Could Talk" just recently.."sharing a cup of kindness with treasured friends".
I'd love to share a little of this book with you my sweet friends. I have just the chapter in mind:
"Fill me with beauty..creating & experiencing loveliness"
  I'd love to see you next week for tea with me.
Wishing you blue skies & some loveliness.


  1. Oh please might I come for tea? I have just the dress, though admittedly shoes are also problematic here! The tea cosy- Catherine, the teac cosy- did you make it, oh please tell me you did! (And then I can petition for the pattern!)

  2. What a delightful afternoon tea, and oh I spy neinish tarts - Oh how I used to love those, my first boyfriend's mother used to make them - haven't had them for goodness must be over twenty years!

    All the other goodies look nice as well and I can see there are a few more recipes I will be copying down. I have made three lots of cakes today :-)

    Beautiful photographs welcoming in Spring.

    You look lovely as well.

  3. Hi, sweet Katie! Oh my goodness! The tea cozy is so beautiful! How fun to have such lovely teas with nice people. I love your dress and your brooch. I wore a dress to Back-to-School Night. I hadn't worn it for a few years and it was fun!
    You always inspire me to visit the thrift store and the antique mall. We'll see if I can manage that over the long weekend.
    Thank you for joyous photos and joyous talk! (BIG HUG!)

  4. Lovely photo's of spring, seems strange, were just heading into autumn now. Opposite's.
    Your tea party looks so inviting, reminded me of Alice in Wonderland, not for the madness of course, just the tea party! Just love the tea cosy. And may I say the colour blue looks lovely on you Catherine xx
    Sophie xx

  5. A lovely way to welcome Spring, with a tea party and spring blossoms.

  6. I love tea parties! Your tea cosy is absolutely beautiful, and once again I learn something new, a lily of the valley bush? I must investigate... thanks, have a lovely week x

  7. I just love the sculptures! The council have just spent a lot of money 'doing up' the foreshore near where i live and sadly, no public art whatsoever. I just adore public places that have things like that. The tea cosy is gorgeous and those flowers.... Thank you for sharing

  8. Oh, where do I begin?

    Last spring I had one of those magic moments when I pulled up the car in our drive and parked under the shade of our cherry tree. My little one was napping in the back of the car and so I gave myself ten minutes of bliss listening to Baroque music on the radio (my favourite), knitting a few rows and staring up at the blue sky through the pink cherry blossom.

    Your tea cosy is wonderful and soooo similar to mine. I must post a picture of it sometime soon on my blog.

    Your fabulous display of cakes warm my heart as I adore baking and it is a fine way of giving and sharing with others.

    That book looks perfect. Yes, let us have tea together next week.

    Warm wishes whimsical Catherine,


  9. Dearest Catherine ~ Thank you for sharing the wonders of Spring, a time of rebirth! All the glorious smiles on your friends faces show of wonderful memories to be made this season... Your pictures are gorgeous as always as seen threw the eyes of a free-spirited soul.
    Have a wonderful week,
    P.S. Dried bay leaves would be wonderful in the herbal fire sticks. x

  10. What a great post - blossoms and sculptures and people! I loved seeing your Springtime. We are still in Summer here although Autumn plants are beginning to show - it's very pretty.


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥