
Monday, 24 October 2011

Meandering & Recuperating

Today has been the most perfectly, glorious, full-to-the-brim, exuberant sort of day. There were families doing lovely things together (being a Public Holiday) all over the place, including taking a wee stroll around the block. 
The floral magnificence all around us is still truly captivating. I adore the duet of Souvenir Dunne Amie gracefully draped through the pretty flowering cherry tree. I find myself in awe of their perfectly timed synchronization, precisely the same as last year. Aren't they clever!  
I always think of Mary & the Secret Garden through this time of the you love this movie too?
 I knew what a banksia rose was when I was 10..I loved flowers even then. My favourite was making sand saucers with Nan's stock. When I catch the whiff of a stock anywhere I always think of her.
I loved this lovely arrangement down the road, a banksia rose arching through such vibrant new foliage.
 A few weeks ago we headed out to St Columba's Fair in Havelock North. I am always delighted by how community-spirited people still are & how they come together with whatever that they have to offer year after year. Whether it's marvelous looking scones & a hand with serving tea,
 or a good old wheeze on the bag pipes.
 Rob did jolly well rummaging on his own while I was looking at the linen & buying bags of dried pear that someone clever makes each's so delicious!. He got to fill a bag for $5 which included these beautiful leather shoes that have Made in Spain stamped on their bottoms.
 I found these cute bits & pieces: a very vintage children's Christmas book, a lovely side plate with saucer to match, a little felt needlecase & a well loved dolly tea cosy which has washed up nicely & should be fun for a wee girl's tea party one day.
 Today I am feeling so grateful for the gentle kind man who is my husband. My health is not quite bouncing back as had I hoped & his attentive tender care has been so reassuring & undergirding. Sometimes you just need quiet, steady reassurance & kindness when fear is lurking around every corner.
I couldn't get to our Farmer's Market a week or two ago as I was working but I was pretty keen to catch up with the new seasons asparagus..when I arrived home from work I found this fabulous arrangement on the bench. Wasn't that lovely!
The following week we were able to go together. I stepped out of the car to this gorgeous canopy of green. I love our Market. 
 It's so full of goodness!
 Don't you love this cover of even more goodness.
 It's perfect biking weather just now. I think that I might get out my bike  as soon as I feel a little better. I think I rather fancy something like this lovely some day.
 The article in the Good magazine is called "Beginners Guide to Bike Chic" isn't that fun? I love this bit.."Auckland bike chic blogger Unity Finesmith is always on her bicycle, but has never owned cycling gear. Cycling in style is about showing people that riding a bike doesn't have to involve lycra or sweat..."
 My dear Margaret (neighbour) has been so kind too. She said one night last week that she'd send Charlie over to check on me. Surely enough, first thing in the morning here he was, on the job, puzzled as to quite why he couldn't just walk right in! (Rob is fixing the kitchen face, hence the stragically placed scaffolding).
 Tender's worth a great deal to the fragile human soul.
 Do you know what this movie is? I came across it is quite recently & it is my best, best movie ever. I'll tell you all about it very soon.
I'm so glad that you dropped by. Do hope that you have a wonderful week.


  1. Hi Catherine,
    I'm sorry to hear that you are not well. I know you were unwell a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't realise it was lingering. I also didn't know that you were working. I hope you are not under too much stress.
    This is a glorious post, as always. Full of joy, cheer, beautiful flowers and good things.
    I hope you are feeling better very soon.
    Sending love and big squishy hugs,
    Anne xx

  2. What a lovely post, what a lovely day! I loved Secret Garden, but without all the flower knowledge- though I am intrigued to know about the two girls and their castle! I hope you will be well enough to go cycling through the blossom very soon. I love my bike. I'm not very fast or athletic, nor is the bike! But I have a wicker basket and much enthusiasm!! Such sunny Spring photos- all is grey and wet here!

  3. Dear Catherine,

    Please just keep getting slowly and gently better. I think it remarkable that even though you are not in the best health you continue to sparkle with the joy and beauty of life.

    A marvellous post with so much food for thought and inspiration. That plate groaning under the weight of all those scones....

    Is such a base feeling as jealousy allowed on this blog? ;-)

  4. Keep well. Love your flower photographs and the one of the cat is lovely,
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  5. Dear Catherine, such beautiful flowers, and the market looks a wonderful place to visit, so much green. Charlie boy is so handsome, bless him.
    As for the film it is one of the best films my opinion of course.
    Take good care of yourself, you have someone kind to look after you, all will be well soon , I'm sure xx
    much love
    Sophie xx

  6. Several of my favorite people like that movie!
    Oh, I must read A Secret Garden again. Sweet and special portions jump out at me each time. I may need a skipping rope if you are going to have a bicycle. Maybe I need a bicycle, too. I'll ask Santa.

  7. It looks like a perfect day; hope you're feeling much better soon.

  8. Oh, I love this mother duck! :) BTW the movie was directed by Agnieszka Holland from Poland :)

  9. Keep recuperating steadily Catherine, you will get there. You always have such lovely photos especially the flowers.

  10. I hope you feel better very soon. I love the frock with the purple flowers - I find myself wanting one just like that very much. It was lovely to see your beautiful sunny pictures and hear about your day out.

    Pomona x


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥