
Sunday, 27 November 2011

An Anniversary, A Feast and Some Visitors

And what should arrive by box just this week but a treasured copy of the stories of "Our Willows" friends..well they are Our Willows now that they have journeyed near and far and almost back again! Confused?? The book came by box, care of my mother & is a dearly prized tome, having belonged to my Uncle Pete, until quite recently. He, being a dear soul who adored the Willows, fancied he had a good deal in common with Mole and who owned none other than 16 various copies of this dear-to-his-heart tale. The Our Willows refers to the inspired journey that The Three are presently arrived in Texas..go here to Pom Pom's Ponderings to see more (you'll find the links in the right sidebar) and whom shall surely arrive upon our very doorstep in the fullness of time.
"Shove that under your feet," he said to the Mole, as he passed it down in to the boat.

And don't you love this bit..from the Open Road:
 'He must be a very nice animal', observed the Mole, as he got himself in to the boat and took the sculls, while the Rat settled himself comfortably in the stern.
'He is indeed the best of animals' replied Rat. So simple, so good natured and so affectionate. Perhaps he's not very clever, we can't all be geniuses; and it may be that he is boastful and conceited. But he has got some great qualities, has Toady."
There were other precious things in the box too.
 We had a lovely time catching up with my mother & Roly....lunch, Farmer's Markets & things.
Thanks to my blogging friends in other hemispheres I have become increasingly conscious of the counterpoint of the seasonal timing over the festive season. Although we enjoy a summer Christmas and year ending here in New Zealand, there is something indelibly Christmasy about red in either season. I am always fascinated by the flowers of the feijoa in my garden that arrive so proudly & timely in all their coronial crimson glory. What an astonishing added flourish..the gold tipped points! 
Other eminent red deliciously yummy raspberries. Now that I have added some Christmas sparkle the birds are learning to share a little more nicely.
And who is this? A Christmas fairy amidst the raspberry canes?
Yes indeed.
Don't you love her curly hair! Her wings will give you a little clue as to what is hiding in the tin.
The roses arrived home with my darling late one night. They were rescued from the gardens at his work, after high winds wrought their mischief on the heavy blooms and bent their stems.
Ah ha shortbread, celebratory shortbread, in fact! Made in the usual style but with the addition of 1/2 cup of coconut flour & some dried rose petals. The coconut flour gave a richer taste but I am told that the rose petals added a nice flavour but interesting, chewy texture.
This last weekend was a particularly special time for us as it was once again General Election time in New, that's not what was special but it was the day of an election that we met 33 years ago on the 25th of November. Rob was on a train destined to meet me on the 24th, Thanksgiving day & thanks to Sue at The Quince Tree I have now discovered that the 25th is in fact St Catherine's Day..patron saint of Nurses!, of young girls, students & some under the shade of the Melia tree, we celebrated our anniversary of meeting with a Feast of St Catherine, not of cattern cakes, but rose petal shortbread, fine strawberries & the company of some dear friends.
I think at this point Rob was demonstrating the operation of our Bialetti coffee maker!

I think we may have started a trend..I bought these (the roses & alstromeria below) from a little flower stall just across the road. Fruit & flower stalls what could be better! Aren't they gorgeous.
I have been making bath salts, ahem, with rose petals. It's too late now but I'm not soo sure about the rose petals floating in the bath. What do you think? I found the inspiration & recipe here:
 Everyday Beauty Rose Petal Bath Soak although I reduced the Himalayan salt content in my mix. A very soothing relaxing bathing experience. I have been buying loads of epsom salts & baking soda over the time that I wasn't so well & have found that Bin Inn has it in bulk at the best price by miles.
The other tied up bundles are an oatmeal, lavender combination to create a silky smooth bath that truly soothes irritated skin & pampers regular lovely skin.
More red for lunch!
I discovered this glorious wild flower display on my way to work the other day..just on the urban road- side.
 Isn't it delightful!
I'll be back on Wednesdays for a while as I am joining in with Pom Pom & friends during a month of A Childlike Christmas posting. Do feel free to pop in & join us here (with me) or there
Lovely to see you my very nice & best of friends!


  1. HI,Iv been following you for a while now but dont think I comment very often but tonight I must leave you one.I have just put my 3yr old grandson to bed and read a story to him,then I put my laptop on look at your blog and the first thing I see is Wind in the Willows,the very same story I had just read to Lewis,how spooky is that?Love all your pictures the angel tin is beautiful,looking forward to your next post.Love Jill xx

  2. What beautiful pictures!

    I wish I could have joined you for that tea party, then I might have "borrowed" that adorable tea cosy!

  3. Oh but red is such a vital colour for any season and any clime! The Willows have arrived in Texas, so how lovely to see yours too! And do you know that when we ran the first Willows week, Skipping in the Meadow suggested doing a Milly Molly Mandy theme! Sadly she seems not to be blogging anymore! I'm glad you do!

  4. I love your pictures - the tea table in the garden is just lovely! No chance of that here at the moment.

    Pomona x

  5. Oh I love this post! The Willows have fans all over the world and all through time, it seems!
    You may have to wait months for them to find their way to you! They still have to blaze through Europe! Soon they'll be crossing the pond, so don't give up on them!
    I'm so excited that you are playing along with "A Childlike Christmas"! I can't wait to read your posts!
    The flower photos are joyful and make me happy! Your mom is pretty like you!
    (BIG HUG!)


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥