
Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A Child-like Heart and Uncluttered Joy

I've been rather taken with the notion of the child-like heart for some time now, in fact, a number of years ago I found a book in our library entitled "a childlike heart...Recapture the Freedom of a Child". I love this book, eventually I bought a copy & it has since become one my most revisited reads. It is written by Alan d. Wright, you can find it here.
"Joy. Freedom. Trust. Peace. Imagination. Celebration. Spontaneity. Creativity. Curiosity. Openness. Wonder. Everything that makes life wonderful comes so easily, so naturally to children."
I guess that's why Christmas happiness & willing participation come so readily indeed to most children..they just don't make it that complicated.
Kaitiaki our 5 year old grandson
(he also likes playing in my worm farm)
 is so taken with the notion of Christmas decorating that he pesters his mother everyday after school to go & buy just one more thing. It doesn't enter his head that they might cost money or, be naf, nor does he consider what will become of his collection when The Day is over, he just knows that he is having so much fun & it feels good. There are also secret little gifts being handmade at school & hidden away til the last day. Oh no, the secret is out..can't wait, just have to tell, it's all just too exciting!!

Each year, just down the road, a wonderful Christmas fair is held toward the end of November at Taikura School (Rudolph Steiner). No commercial, tinsel overload here. Just pure wholesome products, gifts & interactive fun..mostly for children & the child-like of heart.
 In fact it would be worth the going just for the kickstart to your imagination & the encounter with the marvelous notion that handmade with love can be engaging, invigorating, satisfying & not have to cost much at all.
 For a very small amount any child is free to join in here & make their own little fairy garden from the carefully supplied ingredients.
 Some people just like to warm up slowly or prefer to just watch.
 Others are drawn immediately to the real stuff.
 Even looking can give pause for thought & flight to the imagination.
 Fancy a ride on a hobby horse?
 This is what the Fair is all about...accessible magical joy.
 While you whistle a happy tune.
Thirsty work all this fun though..anyone for real lemonade?
 Oh to be free once more to just not care what others think about us.
 If the shoes need to come off, then off they come.
 And if you want to dance naked then who cares whose looking! (a wee tot at a concert in "The Redwoods" that I'll tell you about quite soon).
Wishing you a joy-filled & imaginative Christmas journey where your heart is at peace & love abounds.
Remember you are most welcome to pop over Pom Pom's to catch up with other thoughts on "A Childlike Christmas".


  1. A lovely glimpse of a perfect, summery start to a childlike Christmas! It was wonderful to join you there - thanks!

  2. That's the kind of fair I would like to visit! not much money needed, just a sense of fun. There's so much commercialised Christmas going on around here right now - I do know the retailers are fighting a recession and are desperate for our money, but most things that are worthing having are free, aren't they - the rest is tinsel on the tree as my grandmother used to say!

  3. Oh, so many ideas here, Catherine! I want to make a toadstool stump! I'm thinking about how to get the wood! The hobby horses are wonderful! Fairy gardens? You KNOW I love THAT! How delightful! All of it! You are truly a lovely angel pie!
    FANTASTIC post, sweet sister!

  4. What a fine fair! So many wonders and joys to think about this time of year. Your grandson has The Spirit of Christmas!


  5. Too lovely! The very fairyness of it all!

  6. Hi friend! I had to come back and gaze again. I have declared 2012 The Year of the Toadstool.
    I can't get enough of them!


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥