
Sunday, 4 March 2012

Moments, Gifts and Who knows What's Around the Corner

Life is so uncertain, so untied down. 
What is here and good and dependable right this moment, may be gone or broken or different tomorrow. All we have is this moment, because we truly do not know what lies ahead of us in this life. 
Who would have thought that we would have had such a strange un-summer this year of 2012?
And that a weather bomb would deluge & tear at our little nation with such ferocity, yanking off roofs, uprooting trees & slashing at the land over the weekend?
I was completely taken aback that number 2 son having come & settled, quite suddenly departed in haste this week, for his own troubled reasons. I'm sure he'll get hungry for real food some week any time soon.
Fortunately the weather held off a little here yesterday morning, allowing just enough time for St Luke's to get through their Church Fair before everything got too miserable. I found this beautiful fishing creel in the antiques department. I wonder who it's belonged to? What adventures it's been carted about on? Perhaps the Willows chaps can shed some light on that one.
At St Vinnie's, on a quick visit, I found this adorable "dog" blanket. Even the label alone is just precious & the colour deeper blue than my pictures...a perfect wedgewood kinda blue.
 It was a pansy week this week..
 these two were forlornly waiting on a table side by side with the tacky riff raff..quite the wrong department for them; velvet backed & lovingly stitched.
 This little brooch was cheap & chipped & therefore so much more useful in it's life well lived-ness.
These darling foxgloves are embroidered in the corners of two serviettes & might be well incorporated in a future creation.
I do love the autumnal revival of pansies & heartsease, the heralding of summers end (as if we didn't know that for ourselves) not particularly fond of the heat, they perk up once more before the chill of days to come.
 Rob bought me these glorious dahlias as we were leaving the kind of him & the wonderfully generous people who strip their own garden's in order to make their contribution to the corporate endeavour.
 I have found a summer bolster in my own bookshelves. I do love the Brambly Hedge illustrations, so much astonishing attention to detail. This lovely wee book belonged to my Uncle Pete..he's been gone a year now.
 A perfect summer meadow wedding.

 I almost missed the autumn raspberries..
 There are still a few nectarines around. I thought that they matched my op shop scarf find extraordinarily well, don't you think?
 I have sent for more tumeric. I am thinking of new ways to preserve it & eek it out as it comes a kilo at a time. Neither we, nor the courier, suffer any identity confusion now when the parcel arrives addressed to "Keith" I guess that must be what my dear Indian friends hear when I say that it is "Catherine calling form Hastings." Fortunately the street address is always correct.
 I am learning to make apple cider vinegar. I wish someone had told me long ago how simple it was to make. This is apples..peel & cores, water, jar, time..presto!
 Have you ever seen a tomatillo? (pronounced tom o teo) They are mexican in origin & quite interesting. I like them roasted with peppers the best. Vege rather than a fruit & with faint hints of cape gooseberry flavours when cooked (not sweet though).
 Back to my unpredictability...the child suddenly departed or ill. The unexpected challenges to a marriage or friendship. The horrendous unexpected event...the crushing of my dearest friends husband in a logging accident a month just gone (he is still alive & the badly injured leg has been saved, but will be in hospital a long time yet)...& she who gave me the perfect unblemished journal at the year's beginning.
 And the card of true words & friendship..
 I am so grateful for her & truly blessed by you & your visiting & your reading & your conversation.
Thank you so much for being here..
Truly all we have are moments, this day...



  1. You have been very busy with outings and a little shopping. :) You are making apple cider vinegar? WOW!
    Have a lovely week,
    Anne xx

  2. Im so sorry to read of your friends husband and of your sons leaving. Life is indeed a test for us at times. Your embroidered pansies are beautiful, good luck with the cider vinegar. Stay positive and i hope life turns around for you all very soon. dee x

  3. A post full of lovely things - especially like the gorgeous blue blanket.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. Oh, I DO love the golden thread of friend connection that exists around the globe. One Thousand Gifts has blessed so many of us.
    Brambly Hedge is magical, isn't it? Mouse weddings. Wonderful!
    Praying for your son, Catherine.
    Do you know that I STILL have not managed to get to the antique mall? Maybe this afternoon I can go and look at all the lovely old things.
    Rob's a darling, giving you such lovely blooms. YOU are a darling, dear friend.

  5. Hello Catherine, I do hope that the dust settles soon, yes life is unpredictable, a rollercoaster at times, xx
    Take care x

  6. What a pretty blog post, love the blanket, especially that cute little label, my doggy would love that blanket! Julie xxx

  7. Your wonderful week Catherine, so filled with everything I love.
    Op shopping and finding treasures, natures bountiful gifts of fruit, and pretty flowers - Dahlias have become the 'must have' flower this summer! Your Rob knows a thing or two doesn't he!!

    Your 'moments' clip says it all - we need to slow down and open our eyes and our hearts and appreciate this moment.

    Wishing you a new week that will fulfill your hopes and dreams.

    This post was magical...again dear Catherine!
    As always it's lifted me to a better place - thankyou.

  8. But how beautiful that you share the figuring out with us. I have abandnned attempts at figuring out. Ratty says he knows exactly what the basket is for and that as soon as he arrives in the Land of Opposite Seasons he'll be taking you out on the nearest river to demonstrate! He is now most impatient and i fear nothing else will do until he arrives on your shores! He must have the restless heart of a boy.


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥