
Sunday, 29 July 2012

Toadstoolery and Gardening on the Inside

It's been a tad wet here this past week.
It happens like that in winter sometimes.
I'm not very good a at being stuck inside. So as soon as the toadstools arrived by fairy mail on Wednesday & there was a break in the raindrops, I was off out the back door chasing the man who was determined to join in with the fairy gardening & take full responsibility for toadstool positioning.
I found the wee swan in an op shop for 50c.
It needed a kindly's had a broken neck.
I'm sure the fairies will look after him & bring him thimbles of honey dew in acorns for mending & strength.
  I love these toadstools...they're perfect aren't they!
I'm not entirely sure that I want to attract too many gnomes, however.
They're kind of funny & wrinkly & I'm not sure if I can trust them terribly.
You might like to pop in & see Sophie's grand efforts in creating fairy accommodation this week. Ooh they are so lucky those fairies in Fading Grace land! her post is entitled 
"WANTED...DESirable RESidence, good solid walls, no leaks, and floral curtains........"
Isn't that so cute!!
The Lord of Rushie River & Simon the Swan.Have you ever read these two books?
They're both written by Mary Cicely know the wonderful flower fairy illustrator.
You can see some of her fairies here.
This is Susan, the Baker's little daughter.
 And "The attentive swans".
Such lovely stories. I'll tell you a little more about them next week.

I came across a marvelous old wire "frog" this week that fits this wide vase perfectly.
It's always hopeless when you go to put flowers in a wide vase & they all just flip up & hurl themselves out while you're trying to arrange them nicely.
I also found this charming magazine holder a week or two ago.
There's just something sturdy & friendly about old white cane, perhaps it's the dependability factor of the old cane pram.
There is a very short street out in Havelock North where the grass verge has been planted with these glorious blossom trees. I stopped on my way home to take some pictures for you. I knew if I didn't that I would miss the opportunity...they will probably be nearly over after next week.

I went to post a parcel yesterday & the lady mentioned something about old world grace & charm.
When I got home I thought...mmm I guess that is quite a lot of floral all together isn't it!
I have to confess I have become sidetracked from my original crochet project.
I came across a German blog with the prettiest jam jar covers.
 Blowed if I can find the blog again to link to it but here are the ones that I have managed to make so far.
Each one still seems to come out a little differently. Not sure what I am doing wrong! Maybe it's trying to follow the tricky old chart & not a worded pattern.
When I finally figure out a good pattern I'll let you know in case you'd like to make some too.
Since I couldn't do much gardening outside I made a garden inside.
Kaitiaki chose blue & yellow colours for me to make a brooch for his mum's birthday next week. He was a little perturbed about having to keep a secret..apparently that's a bad thing ; )

I have been a garden fairy for a long time now & especially so for my dear friend Sue.
We both share a passion for colour & beauty & she has recently started a lovely business called Style Me Vintage. You can find her here on Facebook if you'd like to visit or you're looking to hire pure loveliness for a wedding or special occasion. 
We sat down for a cup of tea at this table the other day..isn't it glorious!

It's such a delight to see you.
With friendship &


  1. That fairy garden is looking devine. I am feeling inspired to collect goodies and maybe make one with the kiddos in the spring.

    I adore those crochet flowers, they would look so cute on headbands. I make flowers from fabric scraps for that purpose.

    I love the blossom trees.. I am eagerly waiting for the park to be full of them here so I can stroll and enjoy. I feel like the worlds troubles are lighter when around spring blooms and blossoms.


  2. Oh, today your crochet is beautiful, too!
    I imagine it was quite delightful to get toadstool mail! They ARE perfect! Really!
    I can't wait to read about the story books you mention.
    The fairies in your patch are happy with their new digs.
    All of your photos are magical, GK!

  3. Boo! I 'm juts popping by to have a chat before washing lunch dishes, and possibly dragging us all down the Lough for Nearly True Tales of Bangor- hilarious children's walking tours that have some degree of truth! How I laughed about it raining there sometimes, even in winter!!! Oh ho hum. Pouring intermittently here, as any viewing of the Olympics may prove. SUMMER Olympics! I LOVE the crochet lids. This is an excellent idea for future Autumn projects- may I show this to our crochet guru, Patricia, who generally has patterns worked out in hours! Last link we gave her was in Russian and those poppies are pretty much in mass production now! She could post the pattern on our Hookery blog as a link if you'd agree??? Anyway, I am still having a nice inside my head time picturing a fairy garden. Outside my head I am still having a sporadic time cutting through the jungle of the thing that we affectionately refer to as our garden. It is good to visit you and see the real thing! It is good to visit you full stop! Thanks for the chat. Now to the sink, and fairy dreams!

  4. The storybooks look lovely, I really enjoy your posts. Your crochet lid covers are really homely and I like that they are all different.

  5. Hello Catherine,

    So glad you rescued the swan. We have White Swans on our river in town. If you need help with the crochet pattern let me know, I understand the charts and symbols. Love that cane magazine holder. I wonder what magazines it has held in its lifetime.

    happy days.

  6. I adore your garden fairies.
    I love the crochet flowers.
    Hugs from Argentina.

  7. Hello Catherine, yes a tad wet here too my dear. I just think your new toadstools are absolutely perfect for your garden :-) I love your new magazine holder - that too is perfect !! Now as regards your crocheting . . . I am in total envy :-)
    Even though I think your friends table with all the glassware/flowers is so beautiful, I just think your display with your jug covers & your crochet flowers is soooo amazingly stunning & just like an indoor flower garden. I cant even pick my favourite, they are all so beautiful. You are sooo clever & your colour combinations are great. Have a lovely week - the sun is TRYING to come out here :-)
    Love/hugs, Julie Xoxox

  8. Such a pretty post Catherine, love the jam pot covers. I am working alongside Sue, called Little Vintage, have a look:

  9. Those are gorgeous fairy toadstools! Ah I love love love blossom trees. They're like Nature's way of saying "sorry about keeping you stuck inside all winter, surrounded by bare branches and all that mud your kids keep tramping inside and painting the car with. Here, have some pretty flowers! Will that make it up to you?" Yes Nature. That does it quite nicely thanks. Now keep up the good work!

    Okay, so I'm rambling.

    Next time mum is over I'm showing her your jam jar covers because she's a big fan of making preserves (well, from time to time when the mood hits her) and I think this would be a great project for her. I got her on to making pillow case dresses for Bree a little while ago. Actually, it was at the END of summer, but mum got caught right up in it and churned out a few of them with some lovely old upcycled pillowcases. Then I came across her stash of patterns and there amid them... Holly Hobby! That got her making dolls left right and center for a little while there.
    I tried to inspire her into crocheting granny squares (so she could make me a blanket :D) but that one didn't quite take. But maybe your jam jar covers will inspire her?

    Yeah. I know. Rambling again...

    I'm glad you're well, take care! :)


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥