
Monday, 22 October 2012

Oh How Smashing!

Aren't rainbows just lovely..
anytime, anywhere they are heart-warming to see..
especially out our back door in spring.
 Blossom showers are lovely too.
 Of course all this energy & busy-ness means that I have a great deal of trimming to do in the buxus department in the coming weeks.
 Shapes & hedges everywhere!
 This weigelia is a pretty shrub for the spring garden.
 Grannybonnets (incongruously) have a bit of dodgy reputation for being highly promiscuous..which means that they can turn up anywhere, at any time & their colour & form will be entirely unpredictable.
 I love this little pert number in her frilly little pastel tutu.
 I am also enjoying this pot of happy colour.
It's funny what memories stick with us from childhood isn't it.
I used to be fascinated by the old weather house at my grandparents place.
So now I have one of my own...
and my grandson loves this one too.
Kaitiaki always finds it & has a little look & a fiddle & a chat about how it all works & how "it's very delicate isn't it Katie"...every time he comes to play.
 Mrs has had quite a "turn" outside of recent weeks. The little mechanism doesn't seem to pick up on the incessant spring winds however!
Long before blogging & Pinterest & all that, I wrote a journal & kept a scrapbook or two.
Some scrapbooks for crafting inspiration, some for flowers & gardening tips & one for pure beauty & loveliness.
 It took a long time to create them as it's not always an easy call to sacrifice pages from lovely magazines & you don't exactly cut them out of books do you!
 This particular book made my heart skip a beat every time that I opened it. Of course, the bluebells came from a Country Living magazine (a discard from the library...sacrifice permitted!)
 Looking back, I realise I've always loved the same things!
 How about you...have your affections changed much over time?
 I have always loved flowers & lace, the soft & the beautiful.
Roses, violets, lilac & apple blossom.
Paisley eiderdowns & Sanderson vintage florals.
 Whimsical summer houses & secret gardens.
 Secondhand shops, gingham & warm friendly kitchens.
We found these little poppets at our accidental garage sale..$1 each.
I've stripped off the contact & given them a good scrub so far..
It's been a bit windy & a tad chilly at times still this past week so when I found this deliciously spicy fruit sour dough loaf at the organics shop last week we decided to make a bread & butter pudding with it.
 Looks rather rustic doesn't it! But it was delicious & is so good cold too.
Little ones would be great for picnics we decided.
Karen over at Pom Pom's Ponderings is such a joy & an unfailing inspiration! She has been busily making Smash books..I love them & the video that she shared. Turns out my scrapbooks are kind of Smash books. This dear little video is where I heard the'll see.
Thanks so much Pom!!

Lovely to see you dear ones.
I hope that you have a warm & friendly week.


  1. A Lovely gentle post Catherine - just like you!

  2. Isn't the video lovely, I had been over to PomPom but had intended to go back for the video - glad you reminded me! A lovely post, it's so important for our souls I think to have these creative moments. Betty

  3. Your garden is just gorgeous. I had forgotten all about Weigeilias so I must see if I can find room in my garden for one, they are so pretty. I love Grannybonnets too. Thanks for sharing your photos.
    Anne xx

  4. Hello Catherine,

    My Mum had one of those weather houses. I remember it from my childhood. I think my older Brothers and Sisters must have played with it a bit too much because it didn't pop out according to the weather. Thanks so much for the memories. I will have to ask Mum what happened to it.

    Happy days.

  5. Oh I love your books- Smash is made for you, I think! Here Smash is a brand of packet mashed potato, and the TV ad that I grew up with had little robots alien things with metallic voices. Quite different connotation!! Give me a lesson on Pinterest- I can't get it at all! I'll pop over one day soon with something freshly baked and you can brew some tea! The Willows will be popping over very soon- they go to their last Australian host next week and then you are the grand finale before they return home to the States. No pressure!! Gosh, is it Spring there? Did I miss Winter completely? Do you do Winter?? They left home in Autumn, and had Winter in America, Spring here, Summer in England and France, and then flew straight back into Spring; so from you they'll go from Spring straight into Winter. Wow, but the world is a fabulous thing! You are a fabulous thing xx

  6. I love it that we both are crazy about the Minnute's music! I have been listening to it over and over again. My students like it, too!
    Yes, SMASH is FUN and your old journals look like my journals. I have always loved the same things, too! Dolls, checks, polka dots, flowers, RED, PINK, paper and stickers, colorful books and on and on and on!
    I like that little weather house. I've never seen one.
    Your blossom showers are super lovely! We have golden leaf showers now.
    Love to you, wonderful one.

  7. Hello Catherine - gosh been away for the day and missed a post - what a treat to catch up at last. Yes I too love the rainbows, the blossom flowers, the granny bonnets - ahh, all the signs of spring after such a wet cold winter - how wonderful!! Your pot of pansies still look so lovely bobbing their little heads.
    I am loving your scrapbooks/journals - I would choose all the same pictures to cut out. I am sure I too have always loved the same things - I think it just took me quite awhile to find my "thing" - I always knew that somehow vintage things made me feel "at home" but I was confused for a good many years :-)
    Thankyou for a beautiful post - much love/hugs, Julie Xox

  8. Isn't it kind of agonising when you want to cut a picture out of a mag, but there's a photo on the other side that you'd also like to keep? Decisions decisions! I bought a clearfile folder for my cut outs, but never remember to actually use it, and so my magazine cuttings end up being stashed here there and all over the place, but never in the RIGHT place when I want them. Doh!

    I LOVE your garden, oh my goodness! It makes me think of all the possibilities that could be done with our section if we were to buy our rental as the landlady has offered. Hmm... Except, as I've likely mentioned before, I am useless at gardening. My mum's an avid gardener though... ;)

    Bread and butter pudding - one of my favourites! That and sago pud, rice pud, and golden syrup steamed pud. Actually, any pudding goes easily into my tum.... Nom! Might borrow a page from your inspiration and make some tomorrow. :)


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥