
Sunday, 4 November 2012

Scents of Thankfulness

We might be right out of pumpkins about now, here in New Zealand,
 but we're certainly marvelously blessed with so many beautiful fragrant spring flowers. 
I don't personally know anyone who celebrates Thanksgiving, it's just not something that we've adopted in our culture, but I am awfully glad to have learnt about it & the gratitude of the season from my lovely American friends.
One thing about being traditionless, is that you can make it all up to suit yourself & nobody can say "well that's all wrong, what are you doing!"
Flowers are so exuberant, so extravagant, so intoxicating...just because.
their beauty is so fragile & so fleeting,
as with life,
we can chose to gather them anyway
...or not. 
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.
Well I guess that would depend on what kind of book it was!
Some books would be like having compost in your pocket or a desert.

I have been doing quite well selling things on Trade me in the past few months & I have found these prepaid bags extremely useful for getting things to their destination safely (especially fabric-like things). I am, however, having a bit of trouble storing them neatly.
Well I was, until standing in a queue last week, I had a sudden grand bright idea!
A use for this clever vintage hanger.
Re-filling the museli tin again the other morning I was reminded of this useful slice. So I measured out more of the same ingredients into a large bowl & made some flapjacks.
It's kept those other two going all week.
I popped the recipe on the kitchen blog just so I don't forget how to make it.
You can find it here if it's useful to you.
Open, generous hearts are such a joy to all those around them.
Two such hearts, are my dearest John & Sue.
I am, quite simply, just their "garden fairy".
We have a wonderful hospice here in Hastings & most peculiarly, we don't publicly fund our hospices (why ever not??!!) so they are reliant for their running costs on the philanthropy & generosity of the community as a whole.
The Hospice Holly trail is run every two years & offers people the opportunity to visit a large number of beautiful Hawke's Bay homes & gardens; there are nine homes, a retreat, a chapel & a unique lunch venue and fete, with a Christmas theme & lots of flowers, in this event coming up at the end of the week!
"We'" have all been working hard to bring this particular home & garden together.
Now, nobody else will get to see this..I bet!
There are only 2500 people coming through over 3 days.
The last "trail" raised over $185,000..isn't that wonderful!
Back in my garden, Abraham Darby has emerged.
On Saturday at a very humble St Matthew's Church Fair Rob found this lovely cosy granny rug & I found the two gold brocade bedspreads. They've washed up nicely & I'll probably sell them on in time.
 I have finally managed to do some sewing again this week.
I bought these curtains ages ago in Palmerston North & I have been able to get a pair of pants & shorts out of the material. It's that lovely heavish satin cotton that wears & wears. I might wear these forever.
 Well my dear friends, you are so sweet to come by & visit with me.
These two so adorable...that's what our friendship feels like to me.
Thank you!
via Pinterest Betsy Clark picture
I have been rummaging around looking for wooden cotton reels.
Isn't this such a darling idea. You can find my Christmas Loveliness board on Pinterest here.
Have a lovely week.


  1. Its lovely to see some beautiful florals on a damp and dreich Scottish autumn day! You have brightened up my day!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. So many good things in this post!

    I really like the little spool ornament, love the blankets you found too.

    The garden tour looks like it would be so much fun. I go on at least one or two small tours a year but I don't think we have anything as beautiful as these.

    And I say make your own traditions. I've celebrated Thanksgiving my whole life but the holiday I celebrate with my husband & son is much different than what I celebrated as a child. But the thankfulness is still there & so is family, the most important parts of traditions.

  3. Hello SWEET and LOVELY one!
    I love your pants! You are a rose!
    The flowers make me so happy. I shall plan our new garden all winter. We are pulling out old stuff and making room for cottage type blooms. You DO inspire me! I KNEW you would like the Sanderson. I put it up just for you.
    Have a wonderful week, good garden fairy!

  4. Dear Catherine
    John and Sue's garden is bursting with readiness for the Holly Trail, I hope it all goes well and makes a mountain of funds for the Hospice.
    I would like to join in the tour one year - is it bi-annual??

    Your AD rose is exquisite and I love the comnbination with a cerise coloured one in a previous photo - delicious - I might have to try that!!

    The floral is lovely and looks v like a Sanderson - will Rob wear the shorts - it could be your "PICNIC" uniform!!!

    You've made me feel all happy to start the day!

    hugs and love
    Shane ♥

  5. Your garden pictures are really beautiful and all the more delicious as we are sliding into Winter here in the UK and already getting floral fix withdrawal symptoms! I thought the cotton reals pretty. Blessings t you. Betty

  6. Ooh your garden is looking stunning, what a treat for the trail-ers. I didn't know you had a recipe blog! I'm a big fan of flapjack and make it almost weekly from my old english school dinners recipe, i must pop over. Have a lovely week x

  7. Hi Catherine, that is the must beautiful house and garden, picture perfect. The flapjacks look very tempting indeed. The cotton reel Christmas tree is wonderful, thanks for sharing. Tam x

  8. Beautiful garden - beautiful butterfly - beautiful photos! :)
    I'm so envious of your flowers. I wish I had lovely gardens for the kids to play amid!

    How lucky that you found a granny square blanket! I've probably relayed this story before, but when I worked in our local Sally shop, I rescued two gorgeous granny square chair covers from being thrown in the bin, and they always cheered me up whenever I'd enter our lounge as they fit perfectly on my two chairs, as if made for them! Sadly they eventually fell apart, though I tried a while back to learn to crochet (via youtube tutorials) so I could make my own - that venture didn't last... :/

    It's such a shame that Hospices aren't publicly funded! I never knew that before now, but I'm going to make sure to visit the Hospice shops more so than the Sallies from now onwards. The Sallies have more money stashed in their coffers than they know what to do with anyway.

    Take care! :)

  9. Hello Catherine, What a lovely flower filled post. I think that your friends garden (that you work in) is sooo beautiful - I love the combination of the flowers in the background & different coloured frilly lettuces at the front - beautiful pictures. I would go on the trail if I lived closer - a VERY good cause. I love your new rosie pants - yes, I am sure you will get loads of wear from them. ADORE that cotton reel tree, have some in the far reaches of my wardrobe so may fish them out & have a go - thanks for the inspiration, also for the MOST beautiful "postcard" which made me smile. Have a great week, love/hugs, Julie :-)

  10. Wow!! I'm really excited to have just found your beautiful blog, your flowers are sensational, I have lots of beautiful things out at the moment but unfortunately heaps of weeds too! Xxxx

  11. Sue and John's garden is looking lovely (as ever, mind)thanks to your sprinkling of fairy dust!

  12. Oh I adore those pants...beautiful! And, I can "almost" smell those lovely flowers...sigh.

  13. Have just found your blog by way of Stephanie at Millefeuilles...the discovery of your exquisite flowers in bloom (and what incredibly crisp photography!) has brightened this cold and rainy day here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin - we are heading into winter and I will come back to enjoy your Spring!


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥