
Friday, 4 January 2013

Roast Beast Feast Celebrations & a Mishap...

Hello everyone. 
Well as many of you may know, we are delighted to have three small visitors staying with us at the moment . Ratty, Toad & Mole are on the last leg of a very grand & rather exhausting world wide galavant.
 Once they became accustomed to the concept of Christmas & new year beginnings in the time of summer, they joined in splendidly.
Some things were still perfectly familiar wherever one wanders in the world.
oh dear, Mole is still a little topsy-turvy after removing his night cap/Fynn's sock.
 They had a quite a long wait one evening (it doesn't get dark until 9pm at the moment) before Pop could take them out to see the sparkly Christmas lights he'd put on the front of the house.
 Oh what ecstasy!
How thrilling indeed!!
.. was the Roast Beast Feast of Christmas day lunch.
 They were a bit perturbed when they couldn't find the gravy & roast potatoes but were impressed with the other colourful dishes..
 & delicious desserts that came to the Christmas table & soon quite forgot the old ways.
Other busy boys were boiling,
 after all that running & playing & jumping around.
Cousins that rubbed along a little like siblings, but pleased to see each other none-the-less.
 The Willows really feeling the heat of our glorious Hawke's Bay summer, thought that they might like to dip their toes into a little cool water.
And that is how Toad came to wet his pants..
I'll let him explain..
 Funny how there are familiar "places" all around the world, isn't it.
We've all spent a few late afternoon's cooling off on the banks of the Ngaruroro river.
 It's been a popular spot.
 And a grand place to celebrate the season & the moment.
 Friendship, adventure, travel..
 and fine rivers & their banks.
 Other animals feel very much at home in the summer flow too & glide past waggling joy.
A you will have noticed.. it doesn't take more than a blink of an eye before Christmas has passed
& the beginning of a new & shiny year comes around.
 We, all five, gathered under leafy bowers & spotted umbrellas..

to while away some most pleasurable time indeed.

A perfect, still & peaceful evening..
we chatted about the year just been and all the adventures & mishaps.
We noted the quirky imperfections of our joined lives.
 And celebrated the gifts of those imperfections..wet pants that create rainbows on your head & the such-like.
We all concluded that life is for lapping up wherever you find yourself...even if you're visiting.
 Kaitiaki came to play on Tuesday.
He was delighted to meet the Willows for the very first time.
The Wind In the Willows Word Book was an excellent place to begin to know them better..
Oh dear, we're all feeling just a little weary.
Off for a short walk in Cornwall Park & then to bed.
Cheerio for now from us All


  1. I love those red and white polka dot umbrellas! Last night I took two granddaughters to the library and they have added nice big toadstool seats since I was there last! I took some photos.
    The boys are blessed indeed with the lovely sunshine and festive nature of YOUR world, Katie!
    I can't wait to see the book with all the annotations!
    Thank you so much, good friend! I'm thrilled!

  2. This was a delightful post; thoroughly enjoyable! It looks like the boys have had a grand adventure, wish I could have gone as a shadow.

  3. Oh what a merry Christmas! I'd like to sit in the sun and mellow along over a year's remembering! Great times for the boys- I'd also like to sit in your toy and book corner cross-legged on the floor and just read- and play with the house!

  4. What an adventure for the threesome, Christmas in summer. So glad you and they are having a great time.


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