
Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Strangest of Days

 Oh these strangest of days...
yet still the sun shines
... even in winter

 I feel a bit like this old Ted at the moment...
one-eyed, strung out & bamboozled.
I need a Hettie Brown rescue I really do feel..
 We found a funny old secondhand shop on our way to buy mandarins recently.
Quite a few bedraggled little souls to be found...
I felt right at home!
Thank goodness for the revitalising invitation to afternoon tea from a dear friend..
 amidst the spring bulbs,
carrot cake & ancient china.
China that arrived out here 100 years ago with Ruth's great grandparents.
 Look at this glorious spring bouquet..
I was so glad to take it home with me.
 I would really like to knock on this wee door & disappear inside to a sweet land of kindness, peace & health.
 We had a very long cold week recently that prompted some inside dusting & cleaning..
 The kind of fiddly cleaning that often gets passed on by.

and eventually the sun shone once again, & the polys arrived at the garden place in the loveliest colours.
  I filled up this big pot at our front door.
 Thank goodness the world keeps spinning even when we can't seem to..
 I love buying brussell sprouts this way..
I remembered about the easiest icecream in the world last week when I noticed some of our bananas with brown spots. If you catch them just before they go too brown & get really squishy you can peel them & pop them into the freezer. Once frozen, whizz them together with a little honey, yoghurt or cream & some frozen blueberries, strawberries...or anything you like really. 
It is truly the smoothest icecream you will ever eat & if you don't tell...they'll never know it's just bananas!
I found this interesting six pointed star hanger on Trade me a little while back.
Rob decided it would be great for bags in the hall way.
Much tidier.
My project using up some of my vintage fabric scraps & laces that have seen better days is really taking shape now.
 In fact, I'm thrilled with it.
 I have used a willow garden frame from the garden centre as the base. I didn't fancy the metal jobs & the willow one was cheaper.
 There's a bit more filling in to do yet but it's looking so pretty.
I ordered another roll of Cath Kidston wallpaper.
Just one.
Rob undercoated & papered one of Lucy's cupboard doors.
So sweet of him!
 Lovely colours & darling rosebuds.
 Lucy is ready & waiting for a new afternoon tea...
 in the winter sunshine.
 Thanks so much for visiting.
Love & hugs to you all.



  1. Dear Catherine,

    Good morning from warm France! I am ALWAYS in awe of your capacity to find and gather beauty around you. It is a wonderful gift and I am quite certain your friends must feel very Lucky to be able to invite you for tea. I know I would be very gladv:-)

    Hugs from afar,


    1. Hello Stephanie, how lovely of you to pop in! Intriguing the upside down seasons. I do vividly recall your lovely post with all the rambling roses last summer & here you are again. Thank you so much for your very kind comments, just the tonic I needed the other day. Truly lifted my spirits & touched my heart. Much love Catherine x0x0x

  2. before i say anything else i just have to squeal "I LOVE THAT CAKE STAND!!!" Right, now I've got that out of the way can i just say that it feels like spring has sprung reading this post, all colourful and floral and sweet smelling. I can see your project as a shabby chic christmas tree, just a few little twinkling fairy lights a top it.
    I grew Brussels sprouts for the first time a few years ago and i was astounded at the plant as though i have always loved eating them up until that point i had never seen the plant! i love them stir fried with chestnuts and bacon and always freeze some chestnuts when they are in season for this purpose.
    those dear wee bears, i'm so glad you rescued them xxx

    1. Hello Max..oh you made me burst out laughing when I read your comment. Funny how history goes..the cake stand is one of those things we've had for years & years & it's still so useful, even now. Yes, I do need to get some more fairy lights sorted, well some at all, come to think of it. They would be perfect at Christmas in the said tree. I am quite liking it just for it's self..I am thinking even out in the garden for a tea party standing by the table or something.
      Thanks so much for the reminder on the brussel sprouts...a few cashews might be quite good too..don't think I saved any chestnuts this year.
      Actually I just snapped the picture of the poor old bears..although the doll & the bear had been put aside for someone so at least they are rescued : )
      Much love Catherine x0x0x

  3. Dear Catherine, I honestly do not know where to begin - there is just so much loveliness here. If I mention one picture, I will have to mention them all – gorgeous just gorgeous. Spring flowers, cake, Cath Kidston, Lucy looking splendid in the sun and oh those bedraggled little souls! And the ice cream, and the little door, and your beautiful china – it’s no good, I need a lie down! I loved this post! xx

    1. Dear Barbara,
      You have know idea how much your comment cheered me up the other day.
      I sat there reading & suddenly realised that I was giggling & that made al the difference in the world to my morning/day..thank you!!
      Love Catherine x0x0x

  4. What a beautiful post, so many piece's of loveliness fitted together. The afternoon tea looks amazing and such pretty blooms it's nice to see spring bulbs. We are in the midst of a heatwave in the UK your post has cooled and cheered my soul ~ Sarah x

    1. Hello Sarah, thank you so much for visiting & leaving such a lovely comment. I always love to see spring favourites: English bluebell woods...gorgeous! Funny how the seasons are so upside down from one end of the world to the other. I have been noticing that you are actually having a real summer..a little too much of one just at the moment by the sounds.
      Much love Catherine x0x0x

  5. Oh dear, I love everything you showcased and enjoyed it like perusing through a good periodical!
    All I could think of was: Lovely, lovely, lovely...
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. A beautiful post Catherine, so lovely to see the suns rays poking through in this dreary winter. So glad you find beauty in everything & share it with us :-) Your friend Ruths afternoon tea looks so inviting & what a perfect spot amongst the earlicheer. Your collection of china flowers look most beautiful too & I rather love the collection of floral bags in the hallway - how do you choose which one to use, they are all so beautiful. Your vintage lace "tree" is coming together & looks gorgeous, what a great way to display all that lovely linen. I see the wee vase of white daphne in Lucy, I shall go & see if mine is ready to pick yet, what a good idea. Thanks so much for cheering this winter day my dear friend, love Julie x0x

  7. Oh I LOVE the wallpaper, of course! And the rag tree is so YOU! You can make beauty with fabric like no one else I know! I had to stare and stare at your collection of pretty bags. Delicious post, GK!

  8. The bear is Lovely and the flowers also!
    I like bears.
    Big hug SK

  9. I have followed your blog for sometime now. Your pictures are a delight to view and your stories are wonderful. I live not far from Julie ( Threadbear ), she talks about you a lot. Your cake for the afternoon tea looks wonderful. I do so love Cath Kidston wares as well. I bought a few metres of fabric from a shop in Cambridge to cover the cushions on my cane furniture. Have yet to do them, but will get there. At the moment madly painting "things" white.Have an adoration of it. Warm regards Shirley

  10. I love the bags! You are bordering on spring, right? Lovely!
    I hope are well today, my friend.


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥