
Sunday, 11 August 2013

The Magnolias & Miss Phryne Fisher

Everywhere I go,
 just now... I see magnolias.
I adore them!
They are so regal & serene..
But then again, some are most surely..
bursting with joy,
belles of the ball,
full skirted, giddy with life.
And there's not a leaf to be seen.
Some days there's azure blue sky.
Some days it rains...& rains..
mossy, muddy, sodden paths & lawns abound.
Other days we have bright ideas like: replacing the terribly old rowdy fridge out in the larder with a handsome, local Trade Me find.
One owner, still goes fine.
Just doesn't fit through the door into the larder (aka the shed out the back).
And it is somewhat bigger than expected.
We have a fresh new plan...hopefully to redeem our oversights.
 I'll let you know. Meantime, can I count on you to shout loudly should we make murmurings about rather liking the look of that old fridge...over there or anywhere!
Do you know about chia?
It's a remarkable little seed. It contains miles more omega 3 than salmon, weight for weight. People run marathons on the stuff. We have decided that it might just be the best possible back-up plan for emergency rations (you know, be prepared & all that). Honestly, who really wants to eat cold baked beans out of a can for a week?! This newly invented version of chia pudding could even be prepared with ease on a Lucy adventure.
Half a cup of chia makes a large bowl of pudding, that is, if you add plenty of coconut cream (Trade Aid is the best brand round here) & the secret ingredient...some of that mango puree that you can only buy at Indian shops.
It's even better the next day.
I've started a little crochet project..
And made a new cushion for Lucy.
 It's fun experimenting with patterns & colour.
 I made smaller bunting for down this end.
 The sleeping bag looks a bit busy in the picture but it's fine in person, truly.
I found three books this week, all for less than a $1 each.
Happening upon things is just that, a random delight.
"Don't Let The Peas Touch" has kept me thoroughly entertained...
I love it to bits!!
There are three different stories with in the same book. The last one is about Sophie wanting a pet & so her sister gives her a seed to plant & grow.
She's so proud of "Tiny" & shows it off to everyone & everything,
but the waiting gets a bit much & she begins to think that she might have been conned..
then one morning she awakes to find..
a little plant

Isn't it sweet?

The Anne of Green Gables book was given to someone in 1951.
I think I might start reading it...slowly.
Do you love Anne?

I am so enjoying Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries on Saturday nights.
I've never heard of the name Phryne before, have you?

"The Honorable Miss Phryne Fisher (Essie Davis) is a thoroughly modern woman of the late 1920s operating in a mostly male world. The glamorous "lady detective" goes about her work with a pistol close at hand - and, more often than not, a male admirer even closer. To the dismay of Detective Inspector Jack Robinson (Nathan Page), Phryne's investigations take her through the back alleys, jazz clubs, and shady markets of Melbourne. Ignoring the dangers all around her, she seems to glide through life determined to enjoy every moment. But beneath her devil-may-care attitude, Phryne hides ghosts from the past that continue to haunt her."

The sets are just divine...look at the colour of her bedroom.
Miss Fisher has a chutputz that I find inspiring & energizing..
she's intelligent, sassy & inventive & has a penchant for saving orphans & mis-treated servants. 
If you haven't heard of Miss Fisher & "she" looks like you, you might like to keep your eyes peeled.
The series is based on author Kerry Greenwood's Phryne Fisher Murder Mystery novels.

I am so thrilled that you popped in to see me.
Remember not to let the peas touch!
See you soon.


  1. Oh, the magnolias are SO beautiful!
    I am going to pin the interior of Lucy AGAIN! She's so cozy!
    Chia seeds! Yes, they make drinks with them here.
    I am definitely going to check out that series. I like that purple/pink wall, too.
    Take care, dearest. I hope the rain isn't making you glum.
    love love love

  2. Good morning Catherine .. how lovely to read your post with my morning cuppa :-) Thankyou for your perfect timing. Yes the magnolias here are bursting into bloom also. Ours is in bud but no flowers yet. Yes i will shout if I see you looking for any more refrigerators ... I do love the look of that particular one though. I hope you find a way to get it through the door. I have not heard of chia before so must inquire as your puddings look delicious.
    Oh I am loving how Lucy is coming along - she looks so inviting & your colours are beautiful ... as is your new floral cushion - just perfect my friend.
    Your 3 books were a real bargain too - I havent Op shoppped in so long, must be time I had another wander I think. Have a great week dear heart, much love, Julie x0x

  3. A wonderful read thank you Catherine.Was quite taken up with the story of "Don't let the Peas touch",delightful. Love Lucy. I would spend many a long hour sitting and needleworking or crocheting in her.Anne of Green Gables is a special book isn't it.Shirley

  4. Hello Catherine,

    I am sure you would be able to grow Chia in your garden, it re-seeds each year. I enjoyed Miss Fisher when she was on TV here, I noticed the books are in our Library too.
    If I had a Magnolia it would have to be pink!
    Lucy is looking so inviting.
    Happy days.

  5. Beautiful magnolia and your little home on wheels is so crammed full of prettiness too that it's very satisfying to visit and have a cyber inhale for a floral fix! I love Anne of Green Gables and re-read it recently and loved it again. Betty


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥