
Friday, 25 October 2013

Sometimes just a little Junk & Disorderly

In the midst of the wonder & volatility of spring we journeyed to Palmerston North last week, driving through relentless torrential rain. Rob had a training day to attend & I had a day to potter around town.
Wednesday dawned dull & bleak & I rummaged in my bag for the warmest cloths that I cold find. Wandering up the road & around the corner into biting winds, I was feeling a tad despondent..not quite the charming little break that I had imagined...when, I passed an old-fashioned style sweet shop with "laugh" hanging on the door..
& a florist with a vase of lily-of-the-valley posies sitting out by the footpath. So, in I went & had the loveliest chat with Jennifer. We made a little deal...I would take a bunch of lily-of-the-valley with me & when I got home I would post her some double violet plants. Sounded perfect to me!
Next day, we made our way to Matt's in Paraparaumu on the Kapiti Coast.
Since it wasn't a terribly long journey we were able to take the time to stop at all the op shops & secondhand places we could find along the way, so we made a detour via Foxton..a small, New Zealand town..
with a jolly good Goldie's Junk & Disorderly antique shop. 

There's a bit of an interesting theme going on in the shop...turns out that there was a bloke called Carl Sim, an infamous forger & talented painter who took great delight, all his life, in painting & replicating other peoples art work. He apparently began his art career in Foxton where he opened an art & antiques store.
He was quite clearly a bit of a likeable rogue & when he eventually & inevitably appeared in court, in the 1980's, at age 65, he was facing 20 counts of forgery (having even changed his name at this point by deed poll to C F Goldie after a genuinely very famous New Zealand artist) even the judge was amused by his antics & instead of sentencing him to 10 years jail he was given a $1000 fine & 200 hours community service.
 Carl himself described the trial as "the loveliest court trial-we laughed the whole time".
He was also ordered to paint the Foxton Council Chambers and four toilet blocks in the town. He emblazoned C F Goldie in several places across his completed work.
As it happens, I was enchanted by this mural while we were parked outside the antique shop & took a photo of his work without even knowing a thing about the story. Amazingly, as I have been writing this & doing a little research, I have also discovered that Carl Goldie died 4 days ago on the 21st of October at the age of 89.
Eventually, we made it to Matt's house.

And most fortunately, he makes great coffee.
The fiddler decided to make a "thing" for charging my phone in the car, he succeeded in blowing a fuse...wondered why my radio didn't work anymore!
It was so good to see Fynn...he's 8 & had gone to school when I found his bed just like this.
We met Sarah...she's a lovely, lovely girl.
It was dull & cold & blustery even here. But the sight of this wee family cheered me up immensely.
And then a pukeko strutted through the scene..uh!
The landscape was moody
& heavy & not at all like the spring that we had left behind.
When we arrived home & I saw all my flowers & discovered this jam jar of lily-of-the-valley sitting on my front porch (from my friend Ruth) I burst in to tears..
there was even sunshine still at our house!

We have recently over-sowed new grass seed in this spot.
 It looks like a lovely meadow just now.
Of course, you would generally expect to find your mother up a ladder with a camera in her hands when you call in after work, wouldn't you?!
Dear boy has landed himself a full time orcharding job & cadetship.
Huge amount of personal perseverance involved, overcoming stuff & proving himself this last year.
And it all began with him "knocking" on the door & just asking.
Very proud of him.
So, the thing is...sometimes, if you climb up high enough you get a more objective view of ...well life really.
picking flowers from my garden...often, is such a joy.
It's quite hard to be flexible & adaptable, isn't it?
Hard, but one of the most important character traits to adopt.
One thing is certain, we will forever be facing change as we journey through this life.
Thank you so much for coming back to see me.
I hope that you are able to flow with the change of seasons easily & celebrate the the little things that matter, as they come along.


  1. You know i remember from last year what a lily of the valley lover you were, so when i saw some peeping from the road side verge at me just around the corner from my place i thought of you as well as my nana, who loved lily of the valley and most often smelt of it. i just nipped a little bit off and it really does transpot me back to grandad and nana's garden as a child and LOTV scented nana hug. ahhh.
    Looks like you had a great trip despite the dramatic weather. Love the look of matts place, and what a great opportunity. were i young again i daresay I'd love to do somthing like that. good luck to him.
    Any you my dear, have a really lovely week. hope the sun stays out and you get to potter in that garden of your to your hearts content. My iceberg roses have just started to open, everythings so green, make you heart sing doesn't it!

  2. Looks like all good stuff to me. How wonderful that Matt has met someone, I had been wondering how him and his wee (or not so wee now!) lad were doing.

    Good news about your other son as well. Yup, sometimes we need to get on that ladder to have another perspective.

    Love the Junk and Disorderly shop and story!

  3. hope you don't mind me popping in - i was captivated by the lily of the valley flowers - one of my favourites - it seems a long time till may when they will be growing in my garden again here in the uk - sounds like the weather is not so good in nz at the moment - i have a son and his family living in wellie so will hear what his weather has been like when we skype at the weekend ........ i also have to say how beautiful your garden is - i love the dear little tricycle and the wheelbarrow full of flowering pots - with regards lynne x

  4. Catherine such a lovely post, I sure enjoyed my visit and such heartfelt thoughts, yes many changes in our life these past couple of years... the challenge to accept the things we cannot change~ Have a beautiful weekend

  5. Such a sweet, real-life post. Congratulations mom, on your son's new job. Is the first young man in the post your son as well? There is nothing like the joy of children.

  6. So glad you had a lovely outing down the line Catherine, Your sons look happy, content, & healthy ... isnt that all we ask sometimes. That little shop in Foxton ... oneday I had to go in there to ask directions out to Foxton Beach & I wanted to have a good ol poke about but I had Mum with me & she was being intollerant.. I do remember that shop well & it looked most interesting. How lovely coming home to lilly of the valley from a friend :-) Your spring garden is looking such a picture.
    Oh & I can see Matt loves vintage things ... like his Mum. Have a lovely long weekend my friend, Love across the island, Julie x0x

  7. Gorgeous blog! I'm now following you xx

  8. You are so cute, bursting into tears at a kind (and fragrant!) gesture. You are ALL heart, dear GK!
    Your garden is SO wonderful!

  9. Dear Catherine, how could I not come back? Your posts make me smile and cry all at the same time. I loved this one from the very first words, so much so that it’s difficult to leave a sensible comment. I feel I need to read it repeatedly with a pen in hand so that I can jot down notes. The picture of Fynn’s bed and the teddies made me go Ahhh. The story about Carl Sim is really interesting. I'm very jealous of your visits to the op & second hand shops. The flowers are beautiful, and your son is very handsome. You see what I mean about leaving a sensible comment – I haven’t – but suffice to say I really enjoyed this post.


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥