
Saturday, 16 November 2013

Save Our Seeds

Some people just seem to know where they fit in this world...
and off they go 
and just get on with it.
Others (many others) wander a bit, or even a lot, in the figuring out process of where their passion lies or quite which path they are meant to take, in order to find a sense of fulfillment & purpose.
Authenticity is deeply important for some of us.
Being true to ourselves & the values that we personally hold.
It's this quest that has brought Matthew (& Sarah & Fynn) back this way this week as lots of changes begin to unfold in their lives. 
Happily, best friends can be found just across the road.
Little Ezra was thrilled to see his friends again at our house.
Drinking coconuts are so much fun to share...
& so delicious!

Once you know that it's quite safe, trolley rides are great too.
There's been a bit of toadstoolery,
& riding the broomstick going on.
He's such a nice boy, our Fynn.
Lucy is very accommodating.
There are lots more seating options than first expected.
The bottle brush seemed a nice festive touch in the old milk bottle crate.
I can't believe that not a single toadstool has been sneaked, although it is rumoured that Ezra scoffed several "puffballs" when in Pop's company inside.
Some of my crocheted jar covers & their pretty contents have gone off to be sold at Christmas markets (thanks to my friend Wendy). I made some more in cheery colours for Lucy. The camera seems to have been a bit startled by their festiveness, however.
I am so glad that we live in the upside down hemisphere, celebrating the year's end & Christmas with fresh summer fruits...lots of which are very red & delicious.
I have never thought of roasting strawberries before but they are absolutely delicious cooked this way. I sprinkled these sliced berries with coconut sugar, coconut & lemon juice & roasted them for around 20 minutes. All the flavours mingle & useful & keeps well too.
This glorious, scented rhododendron has been out in all her fine glory over the last few weeks.
Right beside the driveway.
There are still roses at various stages.
I think that Evelyn is very beautiful & she's nicely scented too.
Somewhere in my garden journey I lost track of one of my favourite little annuals Blue Woodruff. After looking everywhere locally, without success, I finally tracked down some seeds in Canada. The people very kindly agreed to post them to me last year, but when I sowed them nothing happened, which was so disappointing. This year, however, I took another approach thanks to dear Julie & sowed the seed according to the moon calendar (I'll tell you more about this next time) & viola in no time at all strong seedlings appeared.
I will be very sure to keep the seeds from this lot for the next season. Such a sweet little plant with the softest powder blue flower.
Seeds are terribly important, so when they are lost or tampered with through time, so very much can be lost which is why we are so grateful to Kay Baxter for her life's work in safekeeping so many of our New Zealand heritage fruit & vegetable seeds. Koanga Institute  is situated about 2 hours north of here. This is where Matthew & Sarah journeyed to during this past week to investigate potential internships & training. This also just happened to coincide with a week of huge challenges & publicity for Koanga, which involved a TVNZ Seven Sharp camera crew filming on the day that they were visiting, so we were all very amused to find the two visitors seen eating lunch in the middle of the news segment.
Seen here.

I have been creating some fun bunting over the last week or two (once again thanks to Julie: My Threadbear Life for her fabulous ideas & inspiration!)

I got a terrible fright when I found feathers on the grass yesterday. I was so sad & quite convinced that Charlie (borrowed cat) had eaten Mabel!! But a few hours later I found her alive & well & foraging for worms on the lawn. Poor little thing has a wonky leg & she can't walk straight, yet undetered & fearless she's bravely out there doing what must be done to feed her baby. I think she's wonderful.
Mabel is rather a kindred spirit you see. I still seem to walk all wonky & cannot fly very well.
 Although I have all that I need (& I am very grateful for that) I have found life very hard of late & the days are often very gray inside my soul. It's a miserable place to be. With a legacy like mine (& Rob's is worse!), the journey to wholeness takes all my strength & determination...every single day. I hold on to the little things & the beauty & hope with all my heart that one day I will be free; free of the imprint of others uncaring & twistedness.
 It takes a long time to rebuild with goodness, but I believe that we are building a legacy together Rob & I, that will endure & restore hope & freedom to the generations.

Thank you so much for visiting & coming to see me. You make all the difference to my world.


  1. Hi sweet friend! I LOVE that blouse you are wearing. Where do you find all your beautiful clothes?
    I'm so happy that your dear ones are around you. The toadstool photo is SO GREAT. Sending heaps and heaps of love your way!

  2. oh sad, brave little Mabel immediately reminded me of my journey into work this morning when I saw a bird ahead waving its wing forlornley in a squashed state, I wanted to stop and cuddle it but would have either been run over or pecked to death. What fabulous pictures of your family - you are having such happy times, I hope the grey days are few. Betty x

  3. A lovely post Catherine. Always look forward to reading your blog.The story re keeping the old seeds is really interesting, what a good lady Kay is.Have a good week and take care.Shirley

  4. Yes indeed a lovely post Catherine - it is so lovely to see you sharing the time with your grandson & enjoying times together, especially inside little Lucy. Your woodruff seeds look amazing, what a pretty little plant. Your new bunting is just gorgeous. No matter what pictures you take of Lucy, she always looks spectacular. I love the bottle brush in the milk bottles. I was sad to read of your dark days my friend & wish I lived closer to pop over with a cuppa & a cheery word or a piece of fabric or a flower :-) Thinking of you across the island, x0x much love, Julie x0x

  5. You are such a treasure dear Catherine.
    I can't begin to imagine what a battle you are living - please know that you are loved and cherished by this blogging friend.
    I'm thrilled your little family is back your way - I'm sure that helps.

    How lovely that Koanga is now at Wairoa - that is a marvellous climate for seed propagation.

    Oh my goodness Evelyn is a real beauty - I'm thrilled she is fragrant too - I will order her for next year to join me in the garden.
    I really love that dark cerisy rose in the background - looks like an old fashioned - do you know her name?

    I envy you and your crocheting skills - I would love to make jam jar covers but for some reason I'm totally dyslexic when it comes to understanding crochet instructions!!!

    Dear little Mabel won't stray far from you - she knows she has a safe haven for her little family - she loves and appreciates you too!

    Sweet hugs and love

    Shane XOXOXOX

  6. Oh my Catherine, this post is so colorful! I just love those close-up shots you include. Lucy looks wonderful (as always). Sending you hugs from the other side of the world...take care of yourself. XxxOoo

  7. Hello Catherine,

    Love the photo of the crochet lid jars, so enticing. Hope Mable you and Rob are doing well. Thanks for sharing your pretty garden.

    Happy days.


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥