
Saturday, 22 February 2014

Grateful and Growing

Aren't naked ladies beautiful..
in their simple,
 fragrant late summer elegance?
Wild & free & growing in a paddock;
 I admire their easy grace.
Mary Oliver writes, "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild & precious life?"
Do you ever feel that maybe you're living too tucked in, too small?
If you could really, really chose..what would you do? 
What would you change?
What would you dare to dream?
We've been busy growing, just like these slender stalks; reaching up to the sun.
Standing with our heads held high.
Settling in to a new sense of self assurance & awareness & the gentle dignity that comes from truly accepting who you are. Rob has two days to go before he walks out the door of his workplace, soul in tact; knowing that it is time...time to move on & expect more, give more, teach more & believe in himself in new ways. He has a new job to go to in a week or so. The first door that he knocked on, they grabbed him with both hands. He'll be fine & so will we.
 Growing fast can sure make you dizzy.

The world is full of harshness
& it is also full of kindness.
Tam sent me this spontaneous gift in the mail last week. She's been a blogging friend for a few years now & makes the coolest stamp can catch up with her & her creations at A Treasured Past on Facebook.  
We were out walking around our neighbourhood one morning recently when we stumbled over these hazelnuts all scattered across the footpath & the verge. So we stuffed our pockets full, before anyone could come along with a lawnmower & crunch them all up.
These late season blueberries are a very pretty colour & have a distinct muscat flavour. They are aptly named "delite"
 It has been oh so hot here this week (my coconut oil is liquid), the cicada chorus coming from the high trees in the park is almost deafening, but the trees are so welcome for their shade & protection as we walk in their morning or evening shelter. I had never noticed before that dwarf maples make helicopters too.
It is the time of full harvest, especially in Hawke's Bay here.
 I love all the vibrant colours of the summer produce.
These golden beets are so sweet & delicious.
I am starting to get the hang of tomatillos..
They are marvelous roasted with capsicums & eggplant.
They look like a giant cape gooseberry but aren't too good to bite in to as is.
Our flamingos have grown in to a flock.
 And have already been off to meet & greet at a birthday party on Napier Hill.
 They are available to hire..a dozen or so.
 They are snazzy old happy things & love to brighten up the garden.
 They're pretty indestructible too, which is always a good thing!
This has not been an easy venture in to a new year for us. In fact, it's been darn hard & gritty, but we are both signed up to learn & grow & release the old self stuff that is no longer needed for the good life we have set our intention towards. Living authentically means signing up for the fear & the trembling & asking the hard questions & letting things open up to the light. It requires being willing to learn new habits & adopt fresh skills. There's a whole lot more in our tool box now & we're so grateful for that.

Recently, I watched a local TV current affairs report on "Sunday" was all about loneliness. The lonely & disconnected souls of this nation of New Zealand. Somehow, they came to the estimate that there were a million Kiwis who suffer from some degree of loneliness, many acutely so. Our souls long for goodness & belonging & meaning & friendship & connection. Connectedness is essential for our health & any sense of well-being. I am so encouraged to see so many of my elderly neighbours coming to the gate for fruit this weekend. I love chatting with them & knowing that for some of them, the fruit is a huge boost to their nutritional intake. The "old bloke" around the corner who is 95, living alone & still driving is one of my favourites.

We were so blessed to come across this wonderful video a few days ago. It may not be your style of music but the images will warm your heart & make you smile. I'd love you to watch it too.

Thank you for popping in to see me & to read my ramblings.

Much love to you all.
Catherine x0x0x


  1. Tell Rob congratulations on his new job!

    Beautiful new things are in store for you!

    1. Thanks so much Jenny. We are so grateful for your sunny encouragement. xx

  2. Loved the video, so beautiful. I really loved the birthday girl.

    1. Hello Lisa...oh how annoying for you to be bumped like that over & over.
      Thank you for persevering!
      I’m really glad that you watched the video. Yes I think it was the birthday that touched me the most too.
      I adore your blanket toadstools...I’m not surprised that they were all snapped up in a jiffy!
      I love your ideas for the next batch too.
      Hope your week is going well & that the next cookie delivery is more interactive : )
      Much love Catherine x0x0x

  3. ...and how lucky you are to find hazelnuts like that. But my favourite think is you share fruit with yr neighbours

  4. Sorry comment system keeps kicking me out!

  5. 95 years old makes me feel tired -in a good way! All the best for your week ahead. Lisa xx

  6. I loved the song, the words were beautiful - have copied the link so I don't forget it as I will ask if we can sing it in church some time. I so agree with you about connecting with others, that's what bloggings all about isn't it. Blessings to you with all the changes coming in to place and all your hopes for the future. Betty x

    1. Hello Betty,
      Thanks so much for all your recent comments & reflections.
      I really appreciate you taking the time to write.
      I know we have a certain understanding & that we do deal with it in different ways.
      I am so glad that you liked the song...I loved the kaleidescope of happiness & joy that ran through it too.
      It would be a great song to sing at Church : )
      Thank you too for your blessings...we are feeling that everything is being worked out for good & unfolding now as it ought to be.
      It was all just a bit rude & abrupt to start with.
      I hope your spirits are being buoyed by early signs of spring in your woods.
      Much love & friendship Catherine x0x0x

  7. A most interesting post Catherine.. So much going on there in your part of the world. Your garden is truly a secret garden.
    I would love to have had some of those hazelnuts they are my favorites..
    Love your flamengos..
    Happy weekend.

    1. Hi Val, so nice of you to visit.Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Yes, our garden is a Secret Garden indeed & a little summer wild & wonderful just now!
      It's interesting how many people love hazelnuts...often the best of all nuts.
      The flamingos are so much fun to have in the garden. They are nice & bright & cheerful in winter too.
      I do hope that you're having a happy week.
      Much love Catherine x

  8. Hello Catherine,

    Our naked ladies are blooming also. I love how they just pop up one day. Good luck to your husband on his new job. Your flamingos made me smile. Visited our daughter yesterday and saw the ones we gave her.

    Happy week ahead to you.

    1. Hi Bev, yes funny old things naked ladies. I've realised that they come in various colours too...mainly shades of pink but I do love a good clump of just cream ones very much. I used to have a lovely time threading the pearly seeds on to cotton to make a necklace when I would stay with my Nan as a child in the old may school holidays. Thank you for your good wishes (Rob really appreciated your kind thoughts).
      Flamingos do tend to do that don't they...make people smile.
      Much love for a happy week.
      Catherine x0x0x

  9. Such beautiful colours in your post Catherine. I have Naked Ladies in the garden in bud just waiting to pop open. May your year ahead be a good one despite a difficult start.
    Anne xx

    1. Hi Bev, yes funny old things naked ladies. I've realised that they come in various colours too...mainly shades of pink but I do love a good clump of just cream ones very much. I used to have a lovely time threading the pearly seeds on to cotton to make a necklace when I would stay with my Nan as a child in the old may school holidays. Thank you for your good wishes (Rob really appreciated your kind thoughts).
      Flamingos do tend to do that don't they...make people smile.
      Much love for a happy week.
      Catherine x0x0x

  10. Hello Catherine, I did not know the Naked Ladies were fragrant :-) I love the photos of all your summer produce - they look so tempting & delicious. Those pink flamingos are just gorgeous & comical - how could you not smile or laugh just looking at them with their long legs.
    I hope the new job opportunity turns out to be just perfect for Rob ... sometimes when a door closes, the new one that opens up can offer so much more & turn a difficult situation into such a positive outcome., I hope this for you both my friend, Have a great week - phew, hot wilty weather here today. Hugs, Julie x0x

  11. what a lovely post - i have been feeling a bit of that lovely new zealand sunshine while reading it!!!! i love the naked ladies (didn't know that was their name!!!) and the flamingo's do you make them? i hope the new job is all that you want it to be - it's so important to be happy at work isn't it? have a good week xx

  12. I love the naked ladies and the pink flamingos! How nice to have visits from your neighbours and for you to be able to share some of the bounty from your garden. Loneliness is a terrible thing and something I begin to dread as I get older, thank goodness for lovely blogging friends like you!
    Please pass on my congratulations to Tim; I hope the new job is just perfect for him. xx


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥