
Sunday, 17 March 2013

A Good Giveaway....

If you popped in for a visit last week you'll remember that I mentioned this Kiwi "Good" magazine and how I thought we just might have a wee giveaway...
and so we shall!
Full of the most interesting & thought provoking articles..
 And lots of vintage-style scrumminess too.
I'm sure you will appreciate, along with me, the sentiments of Sarah Heeringa (the editor) when she reflects on the subject of seasonality saying
 "Being mindful of the seasons is a way of adding more rhythm & ritual to your year- and choosing to only do certain things at certain times in the calendar can help us maintain healthy balance and enjoy each thing in full.
...Seasonality gives everything it's moment in the sun. It's why I decorate my house with wildflowers in summer & try to spring clean in spring. It's why I'll be putting my summer frocks away in a box & why making fruity jams & jellies is one of my favourite late-summer routines."
 Our gi-normous ancient enamel tea pot had an outing to join in a Mad Hatters Tea Party last week & had a truly stupendous time amongst the children. I really feel that he/she should have a name for such future events? There have been a number of suggestions already: Ima (as in I'm a little tea pot) Mrs Potts (as in Beauty & the Beast) do you have any suggestions? Do feel free to email me if you're not a blogger just here.
 The late summer produce from the Farmer's Market has been so satisfying & delicious lately.
 This colander of heirloom tomatoes look so lovely made into a simple tomato salad..drizzled with local olive oil.
 It's passionfruit time again!
 And for some of us it's been birthday tea party time.
 That is one certain bonus of the fine would be hard to pick a poor day just now.
We had fun setting out our pretty things.
 I ordered some petite cupcakes from the New World supermarket. Michelle made them pink for me & put wee flowers & butterflies on the top of each one.
There was a small incident where some heavy groceries squashed themselves on top of the wee cakes & some minor re-modelling had to be done, but I don't think anyone noticed!
 I found some more of these vintage glasses the other day..
  & was thrilled to come across a large pink lemonade jug at last.
 And whose birthday was it?
Well my dear friend Wendy's, of course!
Wendy & I have known each other for over 50 years!
We will be friends forever.
 The 11th of March was also the day we moved into our house 24 years a tea party was a sweet way to celebrate birthdays, homes & friendship.
 The passionfruit that you saw earlier in the cup was made into this yummy passionfruit tart, just above. It can be eaten as a dessert or a slice & is super easy & coconutty. You can find the recipe just here in the kitchen blog.
 Would you like a cup cake too?
 We have few left over if you're quick.
 Now...Willows news.
I mentioned that I found this little fundraising book in the Hospice shop in Taupo.
I had come across the Picnic edition in an op shop a long time ago.
Isn't this such a perfect picture for the cover.
A lot of people make their way to Taupo (in the centre of our North Island) through the year, for holidays & recreation. And huge numbers own or rent baches around the lake side, hence the pertinence of the little recipe book. Here is how it begins: (click the picture & you should hopefully be able to read the words).
Such a cosy bach friendly scene on the back cover.
Thanks so much for visiting...if you would like a chance to "win" our lovely copy of Good please do let me know in a comment or email if you prefer. Don't forget to make your suggestion for the name of the grand tea pot too...25 cup would you believe!
We will get Charlie to draw a name out of the proverbial over Easter.
Lots of love to you all..hope you have a wonderful week.


  1. a 25 cup-er, now that's my kind of teapot! (and my kind of birthday party-how wonderful to have been friends for so long)
    the teapot, at 25 cups, would be perfect for a tea table ceaselessly being set, aka the mad haters tea party, so i think the teapot ought to be christened... 'alice'!
    do count me in for the Good magazine, sounds right up my alley, up to our ears in preserves here, desperate to make some toffee in the next couple of day, newborn sleep permitting lol!
    have a great, hopefully rainy week x

    1. Hi Max...think of you often & wonder how you’re doing...perfectly fine by the looks of things!
      Love that baby hammock of yours.
      Great on the mag...your in the hat mind!
      Ooh yes Alice...I like that a lot!!
      Thanks for your rainy wishes.
      Hope the toffee is yum!
      Much love Catherine x0x0x

    2. I would call your teapot 'old silver' as it holds 25 cups (25th anniversary = silver) ... you have such beautiful tea china, would so love to join you and your friend. Oh yes please, would you put me in your draw for Good magazine, it is so very different to anything I have seen in the UK. Betty x

    3. Hello Betty...oh this is so much fun having everyones input on the naming. And so much wit! "Old silver" is very clever! Mmm it took me a while to fill the pot up in the measuring process. I used one of the china tea cups rather than a measuring cup. 25 cups is quite a lot of tea. You're in the hat too now yay. Have a lovely week & enjoy your new painting Much love Catherine x0x0x

  2. Your birthday tea party looks stunningly beautiful with your gorgeous tableware being used. You seem to be able to find such lovely things in New Zealand, Australian op shops are very light on for quality.
    Perhaps you could name your teapot Tempest as in Tempest in a Teapot that goes with Storm in a Teacup. What fun to be naming your teapot. I must ask my local newsagent if they can get the "Good" magazine in on a regular basis.
    Have a wonderful week,
    Anne xx

    1. Hello Anne,
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment!
      It’s a bit of an illusion really..although I say I “found” something it may be on Trade Me or a Church Fair or a market or perhaps an op shop
      But to be honest there are some things that you’d just never find here either & the quality is frequently dubious.
      Most of it is probably just down to the fact that we’ve been gathering things for such a long period of time.
      What a fun name for the tea pot...thank you! Very innovative indeed!
      I’ll pop you in to the hat for the “Good” mag too Anne..surely it must have reached your shores by now, one would imagine.
      So glad that you had such lovely chats with your parents this are such a kind-hearted person.
      Much love Catherine x0x0x

  3. ~That's my kind of tea party...~Love pretty china.....and of course a kitty in a posting always makes my day! Could I be entered please and thank you kindly. With 'Twinkles' *** Maria x

    1. Oh you are so sweet Maria..of course I will enter you. I love your With 'Twinkles' xox

  4. Hi GK! I like the commenters' suggestions for the pot! My suggestion is Teamother. She gives to many (being such a pot of girth!) I remember when I learned that English women might say, "Shall I be Mother?" when they are going to pour out.
    I wish I could find that magazine. I can't. I looked on Amazon and in the app store. Bummer. It looks so full and well . . . GOOD!
    The fruits! The tea party! The pinkness! Did tell you that I am thinking about getting a cat? I have to convince Bill first. Not easy.
    Sending huge love your way.
    Oh! Badger is looking so dapper! I love the Mole house parts of TWITW.

    1. Oh Pom...this has been so much fun naming a teapot!! I love them all, all the names proposed...however will we chose??!!
      I suppose you could email "Good" directly & ask if they could help..they are just here:
      I will have a better look myself any minute & see what else is available. Oh I do hope you can have a would make a perfect cat mother!!
      Very glad to hear of Badgers sauveness!
      Much love...oh I do wish that we could all have a huge, enormous tea pot naming tea party altogether...wouldn't it be such fun! Katie x0x0x0x

  5. I really like Mrs. Potts or Chester after the world's largest teapot in Chester, West Virginia - the state I was born in. :o)

    1. Yes Mrs Potts is most appealing Jenny. I've not heard of the world's largest tea pot...imagine such a thing!! Be a few more than 25 cups-full in Chester I imagine! Thanks for visiting, always lovely to hear from you. Much love Catherine x0x0x

  6. Mmmmh! The sweets look so delicious and your vintage china is breath-takingly beautiful. The cover on top of the lemonade jug is so pretty. Did you make it yourself?

    1. Thank you so much for your charming comments!!
      The cover on the jug is just a pretty doily that I found recently with a lovely crocheted border. My intention is to add some pretty glass beads to the edging...I love the tinkle of them against the jug..a sound from my childhood at my Nan's house & it helps to keep the cover on the jug from flying off. Much love Catherine x0x0x

  7. Hello Catherine, Oh how I love your table settings for your tea parties/birthdays, & I see the gifts are even wrapped to match - how beautiful my friend. Everything looks so inviting. Yes it has been nice weather for outdoor tea parties this summer.
    Please could I enter the draw for Good magazine as have bought the odd copy & enjoy them from cover to cover. Your teapot (I feel) looks like a Maude ... why this name I dont know but thats what popped into my mind when I saw her sitting there. Yes I think teapots are definately "her" & not "him". I can imagine Rob saying to you "shall we make the tea in Maude today?" - hope you got the bit of rain yesterday that we did. Have a lovely week dear friend, Julie Xox

    1. Wasn't the rain such a relief...was even a decent drop here. Has really taken the pressure of & perked everything up no end...amazing how actual rain out of the sky does that!
      I am loving all these marvelous tea pot names...Maude is excellent! Yes I think that you are quite correct on the gender aspect. Rob insists that all cats are girls & all dogs are boys...lucky for Mr Fluffy on that one!
      You are most certainly in the draw for "Good" & I do hope you'll come for a pretty tea too one day dear friend. Much love Catherine x0x0x

  8. How intersting! I've never heard of "Good" but it does sound lovely! I would name the teapot Eliza. I don't know why, that's just the name that suits her for some reason. Thanks! Now I'm off to pour a spot of tea myself. =]

    1. Thanks so much for joining in! I am thrilled with all the fabulous naming suggestions & Eliza is marvelous too. Oh dear how to chose!! Much love Catherine x0x0x

  9. Oh forgot to leave an email!

  10. Hello Catherine,

    What a lovely post. My suggestion for your teapot is Agnes. Your teapot just brings back memories from growing up on the farm and going to celebrations like the annual Christmas Tree at the local hall. The CWA ladies were always in charge of the food, big kettles and teapots are something I distinctly remember. Agnes Barnes was the lady who compiled the original CWA Cookbook back in 1931.I hope you pot continues for many many years.

    Happy days.

    1. Oh what a lovely tale Bev! Yes of course...CWA ladies were always pouring tea & serving scones (CWI it was here) fitting. My quandary grows with each grand suggestion! Thanks for joining in! Much love Catherine x0x0x

  11. I love all your pictures - they have just inspired me to try harder on my own blog.

    1. Hello Barbara...welcome!! I'm so glad that you enjoyed my pictures..I've so enjoyed yours! I am so very glad that we can share so many wonderful things & inspire one another through blogging as we do. Much love Catherine x0x0x

    Dear Catherine
    I'm going to really show my age now...I can remember when every home had a large teapot like that. People seemed to drink tea all day long too. Our family was large with oodles of cousins popping in for a cuppa.

    My choice of name is 'Ava' as in 'ave a cup of tea dear'! Stop laughing C!!!!!

    I'm licking my lips as per usual - everything is always sooo sumptious on your posts - look at those darling cup cakes... after seeing them here before I shot over to New World (only 3 hours away - no silly I'm joking) but the NW near me had a miserable looking lot of cakes...
    Then there's the wonderful Hawkes Bay fruit, you are living in one of the bests parts of the world dear!
    Wendy looks like a lovely friend and what a tea party you gave her - I spotted the presents too, wrapped so beautifully and tied with pink ribbon as any good fairy would!!!
    She must have been "over the moon", she is so lucky to have a fairy like you for a friend C!!!

    Catherine dear, how come you always find such good stuff (I know everyone asks you that question) but honestly I can spend an hour looking for stuff on Trademe and find nothing. I bought a nice jar of buttons once and a bag of hankies that turned out to be awful - I know - you just have to keep looking...

    Can I ask you if you ever see another copy of The Bach in Winter or The Picnic can you get it for me and let me know. Tell me if I'm being presumptuous please dear.

    Please put me in your Giveaway - I've borrowed a copy from the library a couple of times and theres lots of lovely reading.

    À bientôt
    Shane ♥

    1. Hello dear Shane, thank you so much for your wonderful warm comment...I feel as if I have been hugged with huge arms of warmth & encouragement.!
      Sorry about the New World must just be the lovely girls at the Havelock North bakery dept that are so clever then!
      It's all in the details as you well know Shane..the details make the occasion. Something that you're so good at yourself. I have had such amazing inspiration from such lovely people in the last few years.
      I must say that part of coming across such good stuff on Trade Me is in the having a go at's over all our huge number of trades that things seem to even themselves out & you realise that you've actually come out on top in it all & met such lovely people along the way. The poor results then fade in to the scheme of things and are in the end very few. My best ally is in keeping very tailoured "saved searches" for things that might appeal to Sanderson fabric etc.
      Now, as to "The Bach in Winter" they were actually just sitting in a little display on the counter & were priced at $10. I am sure that you could give them a call at the Taupo Hospice Shop & see if they would post you a copy.
      You have been happily "put in "the hat"...good luck!
      Much love Catherine x0x0x

  13. Catherine, I stumbled on your blog and loved to see the tea party! Happy Birthday and congratulations on living 24 years in your lovely cottage!
    I'll have to come back again and again!
    Kindly drop my name in the hat for the giveaway please!
    Blessings to all and enjoy Spring!


    1. Thank you so much for visiting & your lovely wishes.
      Our tea party was such fun & my friend Wendy had such a nice day for her birthday.
      I have dropped you into the hat! All the best!
      Blessings in return. We are watching as the early leaves begin to turn... Easter arrives in our hemisphere at the time of harvest & plenty..a nice time of year to share table grapes & spicy hot cross buns.
      Much love Catherine x0x0x

  14. LOVELY blog and LOVELY pictures! So nice...

    Take care, have a great weekend!


    1. Hello Titti, thank you for visiting & your sweet comments.
      Your own photography is just superb!
      Have a great week.
      Much love Catherine x0x0

  15. I just found your blog thru Pintrest and I am in love!!! Following!!! Linda

  16. Hello Catherine, I am a little late to the tea party ever...
    I would like to call your tea pot
    Mrs Tupperton Tea,
    of Tea Pot Lane,
    Once owned by Agnes Smith, who had twenty five children less...
    please could i enter your lovely give away xx

    1. Hello Hettie never too late my dear friend!! You are just in time for tea. Of course, only you would know such a charming piece of history! Imagine that...25 children!!! Hope you had a lovely Easter time with your peeps. Much love Catherine x0x0x


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥