
Friday, 29 March 2013

The Cascade And Finding Lucy

You could be forgiven for thinking that I had run off with the "Goods"!!
But no, I can assure you that I have not & yes there are now two in the giveaway.

Firstly I will tell you about the cascade..
You see, it all began with Anna (our daughter) receiving notice to move from her house.
And when you move, all kinds of tidying & hiffing & reassessments are made.
It can be a very busy time.
It is at just such times that you can discover, that just perhaps, you may..have a spare cat & are simultaneously requiring draws...any kind will do.
This daughter status lead to acquiring one said pussy & a re-evaluation of one too small (no longer a bedroom...can't actually find the bed any more) room that really wants to become a craft room but nobody at all can move in it!!
So, a trailer was hired & this lovely old oak dresser was delivered to Anna's.
A small note..this was the bedroom of interest in tidy times gone by...but it really is the actual dresser.
Un-useful bed was passed on to the Saly's & this wardrobe thingy-a-me-bob was retrieved from the same.  Update on the up-cycle on this very soon!
The space has been cleared (well mostly!)
All this floating around the rest of the house!
 The test pots have been applied & fresh colours decided upon.
And in the middle of all the wringer washing machine agitation, the cat has begun to settle in...Lord knows how. Poor Paikia! No photos of her yet...can't find her half the time.
Now, early in this process , about when Anna got the notice....I received a particularly intriguing notice of my own. A message on Trade me & an unexpected listing that took my breath away & captivated my heart.
A listing for an adorable shabby chic vintage caravan.
I kept going back to have a look at it & the dance began...twirling round & round in my heart; flipping my emotions as if I was caught in the waves on the edge of the ocean & couldn't walk out.
"Yes you could do I couldn't possibly, don't be ridiculous, besides surely you don't really want this caravan, there's just some kind of emotional connection going on here so you better just figure out what it is & let it go..."
But I didn't let it go & somehow...I made it through the process & bought her!!!!
I bought her on a "buy-now" as free delivery was a part of the deal & she was living in Nelson in the South Island & that's across water & along way away. I have hardly slept all week so huge was my step. Could I trust the other trader. Could I really find that much money! And would she arrive here in one piece?
 Oh, & of course, where precisely would she live?
I cleared out much of my courtyard...a bit overdue anyway. Then one foggy???? yes foggy morning, about last Tuesday..
Having traveled all night & even bravely on the Inter-Island Ferry in the company of a nice man called Damon (who, by the way, had to fend off amorous admirers on the journey!!)...
Photos of Interislander Cook Strait Ferry, Wellington
This photo of Interislander Cook Strait Ferry is courtesy of TripAdvisor

 one darling girl came trundling down my driveway!!
She is a star & nearly as old as Rob!!
 Someone has done lots & lots of work on her & I could just hug her to bits.
 Yet, she is not pretentious (hand painted & all that sort of thing)
 And she is cosy & lovely
 and...she wants to tell you...
I have also had a big re-organize in my china cabinet (after the last tea party).
I came across these wee chaps & had some eggs one night with my tea.
Eating has been a bit by the by just this week.
Mind you, the last two nights Lucy & I have had tea together since Rob 's been at work.
I have so much I want to show...very soon!
I've also stumbled into Easter & figure the best thing I can bring to the time is gratitude.
And I am so thankful!!!
I am also glad that it's the time of abundance & sunshine here.
Easter would make a jolly good Thanksgiving time in New Zealand I have decided.
And so I wish you dear friends & visitors a wonderful, happy Easter.
I do so love this darling Margaret Tarrant picture.
You still have time to enter the "Good" giveaway.
One just because & the other..
for finding the name for this marvelous old tea pot (25 cups remember)
I will tell you all the suggestions next time.
It has been such fun.
Thank you for joining in...all the names are delightful!!
 However will we chose just one!


  1. Your little Lucy caravan is so very pretty - what a wonderful place to retreat and be creative, read a book or house cats! Congratulations on your find, look forward to peaking inside in future posts? Betty

  2. Lovely Lucy,how wonderful to find such a sweet little retreat.Happy Easter love Jill xx

  3. How exciting, GK!
    I love it! I love it! I love it! Can I sleep in it when I come to New Zealand?
    Happy Easter to you, precious one!

  4. Oh my, so much to look at, read and see. Loving Lucy! Will come back to read more when I can concentrate.

  5. What a find! It is beautiful and I agree with Pom Pom...Are you up to a wee guest or two?
    Here is wishing you the very best of times in such a lovely little nest and we hope you will share more photos!
    Happy Easter!

  6. I love lucy (hehe had to type that didn't I).
    She is gorgeous.

    The noddy and big ears egg cups are all kinds of amazing. LOVE.

  7. Oh Catherine, how beautiful !!! - both your room you are decorating AND the lovely Lucy. I am sure she will have the most wonderful life at your house. I can see you & her spending some wonderful time together & creating some very special memories. Those lovely vintage caravans seem to hold such a special place in lots of peoples hearts so I can totally understand the emotional connection you felt to her. How appropriate for her to have a long journey (across water) & then come to rest at your home to live out her days - just perfect:-) Have a wonderful Easter my friend, Love Julie Xox

  8. Oh WOW, Lucy is GORGEOUS and I am so happy you have her. You will spend many happy hours with her I'm sure. I've looked and looked at vans thinking that I might do one up but I think hubby wouldn't be so happy. Never mind, I can look forward to your photos and share the excitement of you having a caravan with you. Please post some more photos soon. :)
    Anne xx

  9. I love it, I Love it, I LOVE it! It's wonderful but we need more photos please.


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥