
Sunday, 7 April 2013

Lucy Meets Alice and the Good Comes Through..

It's so nice to see you here.
Thanks to you all for your charming suggestions...our portly, benevolent, comforting old tea pot now has a name.
 It was ever so tricky to choose.
There was: Ima (I'm a little tea pot) Mrs Potts (Beauty & the Beast), Alice (Mad Hatter's Tea Party), Beatrix T. Potter (clever!)Old Silver (25 cups/25th anniversary), Tempest (in a tea pot), TwinklesTea Mother (shall I be mother?), Mrs Potts or ChesterMaude, ElizaAgnes (after Agnes Barnes from CWA) Ava (as in 'ava cuppa tea), Mrs Tupperton Tea (of Tea Pot Lane who belonged to Agnes Smith who had a brood of 25 children!)
Thanks to Max (new mother & all!) our tea pot's name is "Alice"..the zany thought of an endlessly laid tea party appealed to us both. We will now be pouring tea all day long!! So please do come to visit!!
I rummaged for my lovely old copy of Alice in Wonderland in the book case..I love these Margaret Tarrant illustrations.

And especially ...the most beautiful garden Alice had ever seen! Remember to click on the pictures if you need to see them bigger. 
So now, a wee peek inside dear Lucy.. 
This is how she looked in those first few days..
  and then I added a lovely old checked blanket & some bunting,
gathered up some colourful duraware in a vintage basket for the cupboards.. 
and settled in to enjoy her charming company.
I just can't help popping all day long! 
 Then along came an Easter sale at Spotlight & so did a 70 percent discount on these adorable cafe curtains that I have been admiring for about the last 6 months.... after a little adjustment & re-hemminmg they are just quite utterly perfect!
The Swan Lake picture went up in this corner & I am still fiddling with the pink candlewick..almost-done-cushions.

I have found a great radio station on the Bush called "The Breeze"

 and have been experimenting with using live plants & lavender oil to help get rid of the musty, closed-up smells. Interestingly, baking soda & vanilla weren't much help at all. Any other tips please do pass them on.
There are two sweet pink creatively made lampshades...still waiting for the power, but tea light candles do just fine, meantime.
So should you need a nap or would like to come to visit, Lucy will be ready to welcome you with open arms & comfy wee beds..
Funny how a caravan could be a healing place & a friend, but it's true...Lucy is a place of calm & peace & truly the best purchase I have ever made. 
I think she's going to change the world..well yes, my world at least.
How perfect it was to find this little retro stool out at The Mart ($14), soon after Lucy's's in very nicely at the end of the table as an extra seat.
And as you see, Lucy & Alice are now well acquainted!
You would be well plied with tea when you arrive!

"So how are you going to do it?" asked my fine helper.
"Well I thought I would write out each name on a little strip of paper & pop them all in to a bowl, swirl them all around & you can pull one out & that'll be the winner (where's Charlie when you need him!?)" and before I could say "Jack Robinson" (whoever he might be) my helper had numbered you all, shaken & rumbled the dice & ta-da! 
Pom Pom you are the other "Good" winner!
I also found two other back copies in an op shop so if you would like them..
Betty (the Wood Fairy) I would love to send you one & Jenny, the other is yours.
Max, please do email me your address & I shall send your Alice copy.
Pom Pom, Betty, Jenny & Max... I'd love your addresses please, when you have a minute.

Have a wonderful week!
With much love, a Lucy hug & friendship


  1. ~ Such lovely 'lucky' winners! Congrats to you all....Just had to say I have your Alice in wonderland book too....It belonged to my dear Mum and has Christmas 1932 on the inside page...(very special as mum is no longer with me now)I jumped with joy to see it on your beautiful blog! LOVE~ LOVE and LOVE some more Alice! She is just the Bees knees...and a place of sactuary indeed! Enjoy her...with 'Twinkles **** Maria x

    1. Hello Maria, thanks so much for visiting! I am so glad that you have the same Alice in Wonderland book..aren't the colour plates just so lovely. Goodness 1932 is a wee while ago, it is of course, a very old story now! Lucy is indeed just the Bees Knees..isn't that the most darling expression. Have a lovely week. Much love Catherine x0x

  2. Yay! Oh, GK! It's all so wonderful! The caravan is absolutely dreamlike! I pinned it to my All Things Cozy board!
    Yay for GOOD! I'll email you my address.
    Everything you are doing with Lucy is beyond perfect! What a thrill to share this with you. Thank you for sharing!
    Alice is a lovely name for such a great teapot!

    1. That is so nice that Lucy is pinned in to your all things cosy board...right where she belongs! I am so glad to be able to share Lucy with you. I am going to need a little help with a couple of Lucy things quite soon so that is very handy that you are just right there! Thanks for your address..I'll pop your Good in to the post this week. i hope it doesn't take a s long as the boys did to get to you! Much love my friend x0x0x

  3. Lucy. Is just lovely, and I know what you mean about healing places. Your color combinations are just right and so you.

    Lil Bit Brit

    1. What a kind & touching comment Christy...thank you! Yes we all need to have healing, resting & safe places of one sort or another, I feel. I'm glad that you like Lucy's colours...they are bright & fun & cheerful....imperfect but that's fine too! x0x

  4. I'd like to visit Lucy and spend some great and quiet time inside her, sipping tea from Alice. Maybe you want to try putting a bowl of vinegar on the table to banish the odd smell.

    1. Thank you so much for the vinegar suggestion...I hadn't thought of that. I will try that in some of the cupboards too. The smell is starting to improve, I thinking especially now that we are in & out every day...I suspect that she has been shut up a good while. It is very much time that she was loved once more. We have lovely magazines & to read while sipping tea too ; ) x0x0x

  5. I love Lucy !!
    Sorry - it just popped out, but it's true. I think she is just beautiful and I am pretty sure the musty smell will dissipate the more she is used. If not I use a carpet deodoriser once a week since we have cats and dogs. It sprays on and forms a foam which disappears almost immediately. No vacuuming required. Keeps our house smelling fresh. It is available at Pak N Save and is called No Vac Sanitiser and Deodoriser. I always use the one called Fresh Pet.

    1. Don't worry Lynne..."I love Lucy" pops out quite often here!! & always makes us laugh. Yes I am hoping that the constant airing will eventually deal with the is much better than when she first arrived! I will keep the deodoriser in mind just in case! Thanks for visiting. Hope you're having a lovely week...a LOT chillier the last few days that's for sure x0x0x

  6. Congratulations to all! No envy on my part, I am simply still drooling on Lucy's lovely features! Stopping by for a wee look now and then could become an addiction!
    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Thanks so much for visiting & your sweet comments! You're most welcome any time! x0x0x

  7. Lucy is gorgeous and looking very welcoming with all your little touches. Enjoy! Congratulations to your winners.
    Have a wonderful week,
    Anne xx

    1. Thanks so much Anne. Yes Lucy is very welcoming..she seems to touch a chord of nostalgia & heartwarm-ness with all who visit...isn't that a lovely thing! Much love Catherine x0x0x

  8. How exciting! I hope I'm the Jenny you chose. :o) My name is so common I have learned to make sure first. I'll send you my address & you can let me know for sure.

    I love the caravan & love the name Alice - my sweet grandmother's name was Alice so I think it's perfect. She would have loved the teapot.

    1. Hello dear Jenny...yes it was you indeed!
      Please do send me your address & I will pop your Good magazine in to the post this week.
      Alice is a nice name isn’t it...I’m glad that your had a sweet grandmother.
      Much love Catherine x0x0x

    2. Great - I sent you an email with my address. Thank you!

  9. lucy is absolutely lovely, what a gorgeous colour scheme.such a treat, enjoy her x
    ps i shall email you forthwith, thank you x

    1. Thanks so much Max! I shall post your Good mag forth-with & I have a couple of Famous Fives that I unearthed over the weekend...would you like them for Claudine at all? Much love Catherine

  10. Oh so lucky me - thankyou very much for finding me a copy of Good! I am really pleased. Have emailed address. Lucy is the most beautiful little getaway I have ever seen - I am trying not to feel envy! the colours you have chosen are so authentic and cheery. The musky smell I am sure will go when she gets aired but lemon and tea tree oils are good if you mix with a little water in and warm over a candle (oil burner if you have one) (or if you have electric, microwave the lemon and teatree oils in a bowl of water. You are going to have so much fun in her. Betty x

    1. Thanks so much for the oil burner ideas Betty. I will try that out in Lucy tomorrow. I must admit that the smell is gradually receding over time as we live in & out all day long. Your Good magazine is on it's way to you, so hopefully it won't take too long on the journey.
      Much love Catherine x0x0x

  11. Hello Catherine, have been away & just catching up on some posts now. I adore all the pictures of Lucy & can just close my eyes and imagine I am sitting inside her just relaxing and "soaking her in". She is a treasure & I love what you have embellished her with. You are so lucky that she was in such great condition and decorated so tastefully - someone has done all the hard work very thoughtfully. You will have many happy moments out there in her I am sure. Look forward to maybe visiting with her & you one day in the future. Happy week my friend, Hugs, Julie Xox

    1. Hello Julie,
      Sorry to be so slow in my reply...not that I haven’t been thinking of you!
      But I’m sure you understand...blogging is meant to be when we can kind of arrangement.
      I am glad that you got away for a little while & that it helped to be out of your familiar environment over this adjustment time.
      And he’d got himself through that long hot summer too!
      I did love those photos with him cooling off in various ways like the water trough incident...silly old thing.
      I really liked learning about the Police dog start too.
      We are so grateful that someone did do so much careful work on Lucy..phew, in fact I have written to the girl that we bought her from
      to see if we can make contact with the original renovators..I feel sure that they would like to know that we are so appreciative.
      We had a go at sleeping in her last night!!
      The foam mattress proved to be a little hard, but at least we figured that out before we let some poor, unsuspecting visitor out there.
      Working on a remedy....before you get here ; )
      Many hugs dear friend. Love Catherine x0x0x0

  12. SQUEAL! Oh Catherine, I am so behind. How did I not see this???? I am so happy for you and Rob, I love it!!!! Lucy is just gorgeous!!! YAY!!!!!!

  13. Thank you so much for the wonderful tour of Lucy! A Vintage camper is one of my dreams-

    bee blessed

  14. I love Lucy! I was wondering if you could tell me how the floral table was made? I have a pop up Glamper and my table is one of my very last projects to do! :)

  15. Love love love the curtains! I'm on the hunt for fabric!


So lovely of you to leave a comment. Thank you!! So sorry if you've tried to leave one & it hasn't worked. You are welcome to email me at instead, if you'd like to, much love Catherine♥