One of the grand things about Christmas ~time
is, that it's the time of the children.
It's a time about a Child,
about the children & for the children of the whole world.
And it's a time for story~telling & enchantment.
I loved finding this children's garden in Hamilton.
"The Potter Children's Garden"
Isn't the welcome mat wonderful!
And only in New Zealand would you find a kowhai flower slide.
Isn't it a good likeness...kowhai is the Maori word for yellow.
I stopped to read the words on the seat over here.
Written for the children in Maori & in English.
These are the words to a little song.
Sew, stitch & bind it together.
A dear little song about coming together, working together & living together in harmony.
Whakarongo rä ... I listen
Whakarongo ake au.....I listen, where up high
Ki te tangi a te manu.....................A bird flies
Ki te tangi a te manu.....................A bird flies
E rere runga rawa e.............. Its cry rings out
Tui, tui, tui, tui..... Sew, stitch, bind it together
Tuia i runga.................................From above
Tuia i raro..................................From below
Tui, tui, tui, tui..... Sew, stitch, bind it together
Tuia i runga.................................From above
Tuia i raro..................................From below
Tuia i roto................................. From within
Tuia i waho...............................From outside
Tui, tui, tuia..............Sew and bind it together
Kia rongo te ao......................During the day
Tuia i waho...............................From outside
Tui, tui, tuia..............Sew and bind it together
Kia rongo te ao......................During the day
Kia rongo te pö ...................... And the night
Tui, tui, tuia.........Sew, stitch, bind it together
There's a wonderful Rudolph Steiner School just down the road from us.
They've been there a long time now.
I am often drawn to this place.
I love the creativity & the harmony & the thriving children.
They have just had their annual Taikura school fete.
It's all about the children..
I love to wander & observe all the happiness & the colour..
Sabine's Laakmann's felt work is breath-takingly beautiful & enchanting.I had to be quick off the mark to get these pictures..
her lovely creations are very popular indeed.
Not surprising really is it..they're all about innocence & delight.
I am also readily drawn to the hobby horse can find Noble Steed Hobby Horses & Unicorns just here.
These horses didn't hang around for long either, off they galloped in a jiffy.
There were fairies & story~tellers, puppet shows &
I am not quite sure what she did, but she was very lovely indeed..
There were plenty of comfy places to perch..
& so many fun things to have a go at.
Not many places you go these days where you get to turn your hand to sword whittling?Isn't this a fabulous idea!
There was also candle making & fairy boat creating & of
Such beautiful soaps...all that glorious scent & colour!
The annual experience of advent...the path way to celebration & joy will always be about the return, again & again to child~like wonder...with no apology,
Always lovely to see you.