It all began about 5 weeks ago, although I'm not entirely sure about that, having lost a few marbles along the way.
One day I heard a noise, a quiet persistent noise that sounded like Morse Code.
I heard it in my bedroom at first. That night it was louder & it woke me up.
Then I discovered that it was in every room of our house...but how weird, when I stepped outside to see where it was coming from it stopped.
What could it possibly be?
Perhaps it's the wifi, turn it not that.
Can't be the neighbours, we've all been here for years: no noise.
Must be coming from Heinz Wattie, the factory over the fence. Hastings is weird like that.
A designated Heritage Street one side of the wall, factory on the other.
We've lived along side one another for the past 25 years & managed to get a long fairly well most of the time.
It is a factory though & there's lots of machines & old buildings
& desperately ugly bits.
I had to track this noise down. It was waking me night after night (sometimes every hour) & wearing me right out. But how could it be in every room in the house, the garage the shed & even Lucy but not be heard outside?
I contacted the noise person at the plant & we began to explore what it could be. But nothing worked. I started walking around the whole site, down the railway line at the back & along the paths & roads that circumnavigate the whole outfit. The wind would howl right through me, desolation & despair began to set in. Then I found "it" in Margaret's house next door. Rob began to hear it to, but could still manage to sleep. On Tuesday they fired up the sauce plant (doesn't usually happen until the summer) & my noise became unbearable....all through the night. No sleep!! By 4 am I was going crazy so I drove Rob's car to the scout hall & tried to sleep in the back of the car. I could still hear the noise there too. It's about now the noise burst out loud & wild from the top of the plant.
To trim a long & unresolved story very appears it is emanating from a strange & difficult to access position quite high up. At first there was enormous relief, but apparently it may be Labour weekend before they can fix it, as it will require some major engineering work. Meantime, it is still in my house incessantly repetitive, 24 hours a day. Ear plugs are only partially useful, the stress grating my nerves raw. I cry a lot. I think I need to sleep at my brothers for a while to get some restful sleep.
I do what I must, we walk, work & then I must return to my home. My home I also work from. A home that I love but I am not safe in... driven out.
If you pray please pray that I can find peace.
I have prayed all my life but never really got answers...perhaps your prayers might be heard better.
I am so tired of being bullied.
I refuse to apologise for being sensitive.
I have created a new world...
A Pinterest board: The Secret Garden of a Sweet Childhood.
The sweet images soothe my soul, if not my nerves.
I wish I was away with the fairies.
Peaceful & trusting.
My dear friend Sue has been passing on the New World Little Shop collectables; look what was in the pile this week. Funny.
Pretty things are flowering now..but it's sure been a strange start to spring.
Hoping for better days & some help.
Much love to you all.
Catherine x0x0x