I have always wondered where "Happy Easter" came from quite part from the odd assortment of bunnies, eggs & chocolate!
So here I wish you every blessing this Easter. Thank you for visiting.
May you "see" beauty, feel gratitude, know the Saviour...
My best word this Easter is simply Thank you!
I found this passion flower growing on a fence last week
The flowers are so remarkable & were named by missionaries after the passion of the Christ not actually for the delight of the fruit
The 10 petals represent the disciples (without Judas & Peter)
The filaments known as the corona symbolize the crown of thorns that Jesus wore.
The 5 stamens represent His wounds
And the 3 styles, with flattened heads, the nails that nailed Christ to the cross.
The vine tendrils are said to symbolize the whips used to scourge Jesus body.